šŸŽ© New Telegram Bot Airdrop Irbis Network [Up to 25 IBS ($7.5) for joining and 2 IBS ($0.6) for every invite]

in airdrop ā€¢Ā  6 years agoĀ 

šŸ“ Get up to 25 IBS ($7.5) for joining and 2 IBS (~$0.6) for every invite.

šŸ“ Airdrop Link: http://t.me/SAFECALLSBOT

  1. Join their Telegram group: https://t.me/sccommunity and channel: https://t.me/sctelecomchannel (Mandatory; 5 IBS)

  2. Follow their Twitter account: https://twitter.com/SCTelecomORG retweet this tweet: https://twitter.com/SCTelecomORG/status/1141031055593488384 (Optional; 5 IBS)

  3. Follow and like their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/safecalls/ and share this post: https://www.facebook.com/safecalls/photos/a.1716836201882125/2463414447224293/?type=3&theater (Optional; 5 IBS)

  4. Follow their LinkedIn account: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sctelecom/ (Optional; 5 IBS)

  5. Subsribe to their Reddit page: https://www.reddit.com/r/SCTelecom/ and share the pinned post: https://www.reddit.com/r/SCTelecom/comments/c0iq5i/what_is_sc_telecom_all_about/ (Optional; 5 IBS)

  6. Enter your details to the airdrop bot.

šŸ“ IBS tokens will be distributed to your Telegram bot wallet after the IEO sale finishes on September 30th, 2019. You can also use this bot to place secure calls worldwide.

šŸ•° Estimated Time: 3-4 minutes

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