✍️ New Airdrop Netrum

in airdrop β€’Β  6 years agoΒ 

πŸ“ Get 1 NTR ($30) for joining and 0.25 NTR ($7.5) for every invite.

πŸ“ Airdrop Link: https://t.me/netrum_airdrop_bot?start=uth11

  1. Join their Telegram group: https://t.me/Netrum

  2. Follow Netrum's Twitter, Like and retweet the pinned tweet: https://twitter.com/netrumcoin

  3. Like their Facebook page and share the pinned post: https://www.facebook.com/Netrum-411924519617892/

  4. Create a NTR Wallet: https://wallet.netrum.io/

  5. Enter your details to the airdrop bot.

πŸ“ All tasks are mandatory.

πŸ•° Estimated Time : 4-5 minutes.

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