🚀Cocos BCX sign up get $80
🎁Complete tasks get 140 Cocos ($140)
💲1 Cocos Mainnet= $1
📊Market- Binance, MXC
📌Step To Claim:
🔷First Sign up: https://bounty.cocosbcx.io/?code=D8NGC5E6
🔷Complete all task
🔷Complete Quiz
🔷Quiz Answer:
👉Q1: Which of the following statements describes Cocos-BCX’s vision the most accurate?
✔️Ans: The Platform for Next-Gen Digital Game Economy.
👉Q2: What is the focus of the Cocos-BCX public chain?
✔️Ans: Blockchain gaming.
👉Q3: Which of the following investment institutions has invested in Cocos-BCX?
✔️Ans: All of the above.
👉Q4: What’s the native token of Cocos-BCX?
✔️Ans: Cocos.
👉Q5: Which of the following consensus mechanisms does Cocos-BCX adopt?
✔️Ans: Dpos.