AIr france - Full support !!! Optimization is hell, but for them until they die

in airfrance •  6 years ago  (edited)

Dear worker of air france,

Optimization is the new plague that the so called selection schools peddle.

the first goal is to indoctrinate the student that they are better than we the people.

then once they believe to be above all, cut all ties with family, culture or anything relating them back to their roots.

once it's done teach them that workers are slaves to be exploited until they die (without using their retirements)

for the benefits of this technocratic soulless class brainwashed in believing lies...

they are sure to be able to fly for all their lives private jets... they don't see...


now in your case, they will push you until weakness shows, structural... then when it will fail, they will say it was all legal and use insurance money to cover their failures. some will retire with golden parachute.

As such I support fully your combats. Reciprocal, fair and free... you know nothing is more damaging to an airline than pilots, crew and co who refuse to fly because it is unsafe...

at the S&P we love that, we can short that... and then take over, fire them all, and move on...

but one sure thing, inhumans optimization isn't fair and reciprocal... it's a culture...

the culture of the managers. not the speculators... don't forget...

never judge our public positions, look at the deeds of the market : fair, safe, cheap, constant flight, worldwide.

managers are just the little guys directing the slave in building the pyramids... never the builders.

I hope this last line isn't too hard but express something deep, and when those managers eat all the food, on what will the slave move those stones? on new plants grown on the nutrient of the dead managers.

not all are bad, but this generation was seriously brainwashed.

the market isn't.

in short : market is your ally, managers your enemy.

by saying no more you ally yourself with the market against the manager leech. macron is a manager, nothing more.

fat / lean... the market decide not them.

to use a ram analogy it would be moving from ECC to non ECC :).

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btw what do you think of this ceo ? I am a fan, but I am no expert :


btw industry insider... there was a poster here earlier who spoke about optimization...

but at one point, the market is clear... him he is with emirates and co... unlimited space... and sourced energy is a chance...

if only they had croissants :).