Ever had a bad experience with an airline that was compounded by a ridiculous explanation by an airline employee? This series will address many of the common excuses used by the airline industry to justify the way they handle different situations.
Airlines have many policies and procedures for running their day to day business, unfortunately they are often applied inconsistently and incorrectly. I have over 15 years of experience working in airline customer service, I know the rules and policies, and I have seen all of the ways that they can be twisted. I have even seen airline employees invent airline policy on the spot. That is usually bad news for the customer.
All airlines passengers will be better served if they better understand the rules of flying on an airline. It’s important to be prepared for what may happen you head to the airport for a trip and be able to punch a hole through a bad airline excuse. All airlines do have their own policies, but they are mostly the same on major issues. I'll definitely point out specific airline differences when they apply. (Usually Southwest)
If you have a question about airline policies or feel you have been mistreated by an airline or its employees I would love to address your problem! Leave your comments below.