ajedrez, chess is a game composed have 32 features for pieces on both sides black or white. 32 white squares 32 black. A game with impossible tactics. Dividing lines a set of specific rules. A king cannot be captured by default. He has to go down swinging. Checkmate as it's called. A finality. The pieces on either side unimportant. The defeat, the matter. A stalemate unaccepted. He resetting of the board. You're structuring of the pieces in place for another repeated attack. Most betray a repeated attempt at the same pattern. It continued flawed repetitious movement. No creativity in their steps. The movement systematic, robotic, predictable. A defeat predicted moves before. As the Mind processes the elimination of all other variables, accepting a Fate One Way or another. The game important. A hopeful challenge awaits. Necessity for the mind to expand. Intellectual necessity as scenarios unfold on a grand scale. Tactics of the mind. Some stronger in some areas than others.
2 years ago by themadmanslife (29)