Did you now? Friend and attorney to Epstein who Loved having his pockets padded to protect a pedophile?
GREAT Question!
You see, this has been going on for some time. Even with one of the radical progressive's very own Heroes, one Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t the innocent old lady we all believe she is. And also a bit more perverted than we dare to believe. As an Attorney for the ACLU in the late 70’s, Ruth wrote & co-authored a scathing a report in which she suggested the legal age of consent should be 12 years old.
An article from 2008 titled,
Fears Grow Over Academic Efforts to Normalize Pedophilia
Cultural experts who agree with claims that the Supreme Court may have opened the door to legalizing pedophilia in its Lawrence v. Texas decision on private homosexual behavior point to the growing movement within academia to de-stigmatize pedophilia.
Jan LaRue, chief counsel for Concerned Women for America (CWA), a Washington D.C.-based women's public policy group, noted Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote that the decision "has nothing to do with minors."
"We should hold (the Court) to that and anyone who tries to pervert the ruling even more than it is already by saying that it does protect pedophilia," LaRue told CNSNews.com. "However, the likes of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and other pedophiles will certainly use it to seek legitimization for their behavior."
NAMBLA stands for North American Man Boy Love
Are you a Mother, a Father, an ardent #GuardianOfChildren willing to stand up against these vile child abusers?
Say AYE!
Who is willing to #PrayStandFight?
We NEED all on the side of Good to Take a Direct STAND to #SaveOurChildren
What can you do Right Now? Get information out about what people like this have been doing and are Still doing.
They are attempting to normalize pedophilia
They are trying to jump on the end of the LGBTQ community with a + or a P for minor attracted persons, which they feel will be a more acceptable phrase.
Is it acceptable to You that these people put their own perverse desires Above the needs of children?
Above the fact that their brains aren't developed, yet they attempt to say they Can give consent?
Can your children give consent for a man or a woman to engage in a sexual activity with them?
Do you support this agenda?
Hopefully your response is "HELL NO" . Emphatically and unequivocally NO!
Time to STAND!
On its website, NAMBLA Director David Thorstad claims: "Pederasty, like homosexuality, has existed, and exists, in all societies that have ever been studied. Homoeroticism is a ubiquitous feature of human experience, as even efforts to repress it confirm. Men and youths have always been attracted to each other, and, like homosexuality in general, their love is irrepressible."
"Hey Bill and Hillary, I see ya got Jeffrey Epstein with ya."
Arrested July 6, 2019
"Hey Andy, Epstein ain't with ya no more!"
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Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz, who was criticized for the better part of Monday due to the resurfacing of a 1997 op-ed he wrote (“Statutory Rape Is an Outdated Concept”), has offered a response on Twitter to former George W. Bush chief White House ethics lawyer Richard Painter: “I stand by the constitutional (not moral) argument I offered in my controversial oped.”
Before we get to what Painter said, let’s delve into the context. It was a New Yorker profile that first drew renewed attention to this 1997 op-ed. Connie Bruck, in “Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate,” wrote the following about the op-ed, in which Dershowitz made a case for lowering the age of consent to 15:
Dershowitz has not shied away from provocative ideas about sex and the law. In a 1997 op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, he argued against statutory-rape laws, writing, “There must be criminal sanctions against sex with very young children, but it is doubtful whether such sanctions should apply to teenagers above the age of puberty, since voluntary sex is so common in their age group.” He suggested that fifteen was a reasonable age of consent, no matter how old the partner was. He has also argued against punishing men who hire prostitutes. In a 1985 article, in the Gainesville Sun, Dershowitz proposed that a john “who occasionally seeks to taste the forbidden fruit of sex for hire” should not be arrested. The nonprofit executive recalled his discussing the idea in class: “He said, ‘Prostitutes know what they’re doing—they should be prosecuted. But you shouldn’t ruin the john’s life over that.’ If I had raised my hand to challenge that, I would have been singling myself out as—God forbid—a feminist.”
To no one’s surprise, this profile made waves; Painter was one of many to make note of it.
“Why is @AlanDersh trying to lower the age of consent in this op-ed? 15? Really?” he asked. Painter then quoted Dershowitz’s words (“Reasonable people can disagree about whether [the age of consent] should be as low as 14”) before intentionally quipping as follows: “ls @AlanDersh kidding (pun intended)? Does he really think that?”
Richard W. Painter
· Jul 29, 2019
Why is @AlanDersh trying to lower the age of consent in this op-ed? 15? Really? https://twitter.com/guy1749/status/1155865834784526338 …
Replying to @RWPUSA
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Richard W. Painter
“Reasonable people can disagree about whether [the age of consent] should be as low as 14.”
ls @AlanDersh kidding (pun intended)?
Does he really think that?
5:13 PM - Jul 29, 2019
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“‘Moreover puberty is arriving earlier,'” Painter quoted Dershowitz again. “So therefore the age of consent should be lowered? @AlanDersh was off the deep end when he wrote this 20 years ago.”
In each tweet, Painter @-ed Dershowitz. It is clear Dershowitz noticed because he quote-tweeted Painter to respond.
Alan Dershowitz
I stand by the constitutional (not moral) argument I offered in my controversial oped: if a 16 year old has the constitutional right to have an abortion without state or parental interference, how could she not have the constitutional right to engage in consensual sex? 1/ https://twitter.com/RWPUSA/status/1155939457440219137 …
Richard W. Painter
Why is @AlanDersh trying to lower the age of consent in this op-ed? 15? Really? https://twitter.com/guy1749/status/1155865834784526338 …
6:04 PM - Jul 29, 2019
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“If a 16 year old has the constitutional right to have an abortion without state or parental interference, how could she not have the constitutional right to engage in consensual sex?” Dershowitz asked, after saying that he stood by the “constitutional (not moral) argument” he made in his admittedly “controversial” op-ed.
Who would even Attempt to defend this?
Remember, Those who yell the Loudest?
Another hero of the Radical Progressives who claim these people aren't compromised. Why are they saying things like this then?
We Know who you are, what you have done and the fans who support companies like this are Questionable to say the least.
You know the Big Front Nike is running now in their ads which expose those with ulterior motives by attempting to use the LGBTQ agenda for their own sick purposes?
We ARE watching you!
Your Distraction Ploys and Lies won't work.
We know the Saul Alinksy Rules for Radicals you follow. . .Whatever YOU are doing, blame the other side.
I did not suggest that it is moral to have sex with a 16 year old, but rather that the issue presents a constitutional conundrum worthy of discussion
What conundrum? We can solve it for you FAST. . .Don't push your sick perversions on Children whose brains are Not Fully Developed yet!
They Do Not have the capacity to make informed decisions, thus they are called children.
This is why God placed Guardians over them to protect them from such predators!
The 1997 op-ed garnered attention at a time Dershowitz’s representation of multi-millionaire sex offender and accused sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein is under the microscope — along with the allegations made by Virginia (Roberts) Giuffre that Dershowitz knew about and participated in Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s alleged child sex-trafficking operation. Dershowitz was on the team of all-star lawyers who were able to secure an extraordinary non-prosecution agreement for Esptein in Florida more than a decade ago. Giuffre also claimed that Dershowitz had sex with her while she was a minor and working for Epstein.
Dershowitz, it has been noted, once admitted to getting a massage at an Epstein residence, but said the woman was an “old, old Russian” and that he kept his underwear on. He also said he did not see young women/young girls there.
In the Los Angeles Times, he argued against Statutory Rape Laws. WHY would he do that?
Why would he say things like this?
He suggested that fifteen was a reasonable age of consent, no matter how old the partner was. He has also argued against punishing men who hire prostitutes.
In a 1985 article, in the Gainesville Sun, Dershowitz proposed that a john “who occasionally seeks to taste the forbidden fruit of sex for hire” should not be arrested.
“He said, ‘Prostitutes know what they’re doing—they should be prosecuted. But you shouldn’t ruin the john’s life over that.’ If I had raised my hand to challenge that, I would have been singling myself out as—God forbid—a feminist.”