Jonesin for a Fix

in alexjones •  7 years ago 

I want to be clear and up front and say that this is just my opinion and guess as to what is going on. I don't have facts or anything to prove what I am saying because it's mostly prediction anyway.


Oh boy, the Alex Jones thing is going great-if you're government. Let me just get right into the meat. Government hates freedom and this first amendment thing? it's going to go away at some point. We already see a little whittling away with the pronoun posse getting legislation passed in some places. That's a subject all on its own but let's focus here. Alex Jones...I mean I don't even know where to start...Alex Jones is as you know essentially banned from any mainstream internet outlets. The irony is that all these companies had to agree to do this to him and in essence it's a conspiracy against him...actually that's not ironic at all-that's convenient. The guy screaming that the globalists are coming is getting sacked by global companies? Does anyone really buy this? Does anyone really think this is organic? Or are you like me and think this is too contrived to merely be coincidence? Jones was chosen to go down (perhaps in on it all along) to get people all riled up, scared, etc and therefor missing the magician palming the ball.

Here's the "ball". The ball is as I mentioned free speech is going to go away. But..."you" are going to do it. Jones went down for that lovely and ever nebulous term "hate speech"...the fucking thing can mean literally anything. So what people will do now is try and stay in bounds. They will police what they say all on their own. With a term so vague as hate speech being the guidelines to stay inside the people will keep what they say tight to their chest. Wild opinions and harsh truths? Gone.

Now the (needless) debate rages and I joined it briefly about whether these companies SHOULD owe AJ anything. Are they private companies etc...well...technically yes and technically no. Facebook, Amazon, indeed almost all major internet players have either made deals with or have roots in the CIA or some other government alphabet garbage. Yeah, you can look that up-it's kind of a game changer for the sake of this discussion and topic. The media runs bogus stories about how these websites start off in a broom closet with the webmaster scratching their head never thinking it would be a worldwide phenomenon. The reality is a lot of this stuff has government fingerprints. The average person is unaware of this. So now the debate becomes is this government censorship?

To this I say yes and no...Facebook is not officially recognized by anyone as part of the government and we all remember that puppet show they gave us a few months back about what content they allow and is there any political bias. That puppet show was the pre cursor to Jones going down (wow what a coincidence!...again!)...everyone is jumping up yelling AH HA! You DO have a bias instead of realizing what I mentioned speech is going will do it to yourself. But at the same time I say yes because the government is influencing people with what I's called the chilling effect.

The chilling effect is when you are afraid to do or say something completely legal out of possible retribution. Isn't it odd that people a while back saying it was ok to "punch nazis" never got booted off social media? It makes perfect sense when you see where this is going...anyone already banging the drum for less freedom will not be de platformed. Ever. Now Jones...I think is nothing but an act. There is no way in hell you can be "woke" and talk about the left right paradigm as if it's real. No way. You're either incredibly stupid or in on this grand scheme. Frankly I can't be bothered to figure out which one. The point is this...people SAW and THINK he is about freedom and to see him go down like this to them scares them...and it helps legitimize his words. It helps legitimize the left right paradigm among other things too.

There is so much at play here I won't hit it all in this post. I'm trying to get people to see the bigger picture. I "don't care" that AJ might have to go back to selling water filters. I care that people don't seem to notice the closing net. So what's the fix? How do we get out of this? Well, sadly I don't think people can grasp what's really going on here. They're mostly arguing whether or not "private" companies should be allowed to discriminate against one guy. No one is saying what I am saying and to me this seems obvious...I could be wrong and that would be fucking awesome if I am but...I don't think so. A lot has been leading up to this. A lot.

People are celebrating that a guy won't be able to post stuff to prominent websites. Others are thinking there will be a lock down on anyone who shares his views. In reality though like I mentioned people will zip their own lips. Out of fear of being sued, losing the following by getting sacked etc etc. And as I mentioned it's illegal to use the wrong words when referring to people in some cases. What happens when people get too used to no one stepping up to challenge the dominating narrative or lies in the news? What happens when everyone accepts the pre approved opinion and then someone steps up to say that it's bullshit and that they can prove it? Will this person be taken seriously? Nah. It's already hard enough to get people to realize that they are lied to even when the liars themselves admit to lying if it's already become accepted as true.

I don't think Jones was "real" but it doesn't matter really. Like it or not he was seen as the face of the counter narrative and again isn't it convenient that he goes down but lots of other "better" free thinkers are still up and running on youtube and other places. It wouldn't be news if they were one knows them. It's news if the face gets sacked...and what do we know about the news? It's fake. And not the Donald trump fake news but the literal kind. Jones goes down and what follows will be self policing and the chilling effect will only grow and grow...I said a long time ago that people are so dumb that they will willingly and even unknowingly give up whatever privileges they have left...They are going to WANT the coming nanny state.'s about to take a step out of the shadows and most people won't even notice...they'll be arguing about who should be allowed on what website. The magician palms the ball while everyone looks at his beautiful assistant...

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Excellent points.

Honestly I'd say that it's a bit ironic.

Alex Jones started out on public television in Austin Texas. I used to watch him back then when no one else even heard of the dude. I've even met him. But that's beside the point. The irony is that public television was created because the private telecom companies began to have monopolistic control of the airwaves. Through anti-trust lawsuits Bell and AT&T were broken up into smaller companies and forced by law to provide the public access to the airwaves, free of charge.

Should we break up YouTube?

Seems like it's about time.