Entertaining The Demon 1: Exposing Paid Disinformation Agents in MediasteemCreated with Sketch.

in alexjones •  7 years ago  (edited)

Disclaimer: This post goes into a specific Disinformation Agent that I have always been weary of, Alex Jones. This goes into demons and occult satanism as well, and speaks on the possibility that Alex Jones could be something otherwordly and otherdimensional. Please note that a lot of this could be true but is not to be taken as slander, as this is only my personal perspective and speculation from study into demonology, spirituality, satanism and disinformation operations. I do on the other hand believe for a fact that Alex Jones is not what he seems and that he is in league with this New World Order Enemy he speaks of. I want to focus on messages and getting rid of this enemy rather than focus on the relayer of a message, but I think Alex Jones is too big and too bad to not focus on, as I believe if he is an agent provocateur he puts the real truth seekers and finders at a major risk.

This is conspiracy talk show host Alex Jones. I have never trusted Alex Jones, I have never believed for one minute that this guy truly opposes the New World Order enemy he speaks of. What I do know is that Alex Jones is paid off by this New World Order Bloodline he constantly rants about. He is in this for profit no doubt. Nothing wrong with making a living in a world run by currency, and having to promote what you are selling, but Alex Jones does it in such a way, so often where it seems like he is going out of his way to make it look like he only gives a damn about money, and not about seeking truth and ending this New World Order he tells his listeners he is against.

I have been investigating Alex Jones for quite a while all on my own, through intuitive, non corporeal means, and I do not like the vibrations this man gives off at all. I am not one hundred percent sure who and what Alex Jones really is, but I do believe he is a participant in this New World Order agenda, he is evil all of his own will. I am unsure of what he is, but I doubt he is human or from Earth, my vibrations from this man switch between Alpha-Draco Reptilian, and Cacodemon.

This NWO Bloodline, and I suspect Alex Jones along with them, participates in devil worship, in ritual magick used with malevolent intent towards the rest of the world, specifically children. They abduct children, they traffic children, they abuse, torture, sacrifice and mind control children, all in the name of Satan. Regardless of if you think Satanism is a good religion or not, if you think Satan is a real deity or not, if you think Satan is a good or not, this New World Order Bloodline believes Satan is very real, and is using that name to commit heinous acts. I have good cause to think that Alex Jones is part of this evil satanic practice, because in 2000 he released a film with footage from the Bohemian Grove, a place where this New World Order conducts its satanic rituals. Alex Jones had to have been allowed in by the New World Order, the Bohemian Grove rituals is not something that they allow regular people to attend, security is the tightest ever when they are active at the Grove, the only way you can get into the Grove, is if they allow you, and for them to allow you in, you have to be one of them.

I believe Alex Jones is a tool that is used by the New World Order to cause a diversion. He is used to divert any good person who wants to seek true information about what this New World Order agenda is doing to planet Earth. Say someone hears about the New World Order, or Illuminati secret society, and they start looking it up, they will come across Alex Jones first thing most likely, because the NWO has deliberately shot him up into the mainstream. Why? Because when that information seeker sees Alex Jones go on a deranged, angry, nonsensical rant, they will associate anyone and anything presenting information about the New World Order, as being crazy, and they will no longer bother to listen to anything on the subject of the New World Order and Illuminati.

One last thing about Alex Jones. No one can get me for slander on this, because I have not confirmed this has truth, but think it is a big possibility. If Alex Jones is evil like explained above, I wonder if Hour of The Time host William Milton "Bill" Cooper, who was murdered by the FBI in 2001, after predicting 9/11 in June of that year, was a satanic ritual sacrifice for Alex Jones. Think about it, in June of 2001 Bill Cooper says on his radio show there is going to be an attack in America using Osama Bin Laden as a frontman(cause for the NWO to take someone out), one month later Alex Jones on his show says he predicts an attack, never giving credit to Bill Cooper who said it first. Bill Cooper called Alex Jones out as a lying fear monger in early 2001. Alex Jones was already becoming famous shortly before Bill Coopers death, but he really shot up to stardom shortly after William Cooper was murdered. So it is plausible that Alex Jones being the obvious greedy, money hungry satanist he is, could have had William Cooper murdered, to get fame. If so, then Alex Jones made a Faustian Deal. He could have made a Faustian Deal with a Cacodemon, and now that demon possesses him, or sacrificed Jones, and attached its head to his body. Cacodemons are just vile floating, usually spiked heads, with no body attached, so in order for a Cacodemon to take a body, I believe it would have to murder someone by severing their head, and then attaching themselves to the section of the neck where the head was severed. Demons are also able to mimic human form, so this would explain why Alex Jones appears to be human, without all the vile slime and spikes of a Cacodemon. This would explain my vibration from Jones being both Alpha-Draco Reptilian and Cacodemon. If that happened, I think Alex Jones was more than willing to let this faustian deal and ritual magic sacrifice take place.

Pretty elaborate was to call Alex Jones evil and a paid disinformation agent, but this world is currently vile, dark, strange and swarming with evil.

PS: Do you all know the Alex Jones is Bill Hicks theory? I notice that Alex Jones and Bill Hicks look eerily similar, but are not the same person at all. Long story short. What if a demon murdered Bill Hicks, then took his form, and created the Alex Jones persona? Alex Jones is strangely demonic, and is not Bill Hicks, but they look strangely similar. If Alex Jones is a Cacodemon as I stated above, he would have had to sever a head from a human body, and then attach himself to that body, taking the humans form. I mean they did not like Bill Hicks at all. He said too much, that they did not want revealed... Demons and Extraterrestrials can also shapeshift, and take the form of anything, and I get two vibrations from Alex Jones, Draco Reptilian, and Cacodemon.

PS 2: For some more physical informationplease look into Stratfort a CentralIntelligence Agency branch that is said to be connected to Infowars.
As I said above I do not trust him because of him being allowed to join The Bohemian Grove, no one just sneaks into The Grove.

Anthony Jacob Woolston, Thursday January 25th 2018 12:54pmFB_IMG_1516902208635.jpg

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