The War Between Alex Jones and Joe Rogan Heats Up

in alexjones •  6 years ago  (edited)


Watch on InfoWars

@ 19:00 min

"Just like you Satanist prey on kids when they beg for mommy - I'm gonna prey on you."

~ Alex Jones

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First time hearing about this feud, what happened? I normally see the Joe Rogan podcast, love it, even though he is not the best interviewer around for scientific knowledge, I have a blast watching his podcast... What happened with him and Alex Jones? I have no idea who Alex Jones is...

AJ was de-platformed from pretty much everywhere and Joe has been of no help whatsoever to Alex. Joe even had the CEO of twitter on his show, who some say is his boss, and didn't even ask him about banning AJ from twitter but was "too busy" to research matters beforehand and didn't ask any hard questions.

I'm not sure if that's the full story because I'm still catching up myself. But, I think this is only getting started.

As so many others are as well from YouTube! Once they all realize there is this thing called DTube, I think we will be off to the races. I mean even apart from the ability to make money on DTube, I think for these folks just it being decentralized is a compelling feature. Doing my best to spread the word on Twitter!

This video, by Nathan (@lifttheveil411), is a day or two old but covers a lot of ground:

Actually he did ask in a sort of side sentence, but they didn’t really get into it. He posted an apology video and may have Jack Dorsey on again (Jack offered himself) to go into more detail.

I find it sad this “feud” happened (if it really is one), after all Joe Rogan and Alex Jones were friends for decades. I think Joe Rogan is an amazing interviewer and had he not interviewed Alex Jones, I’d never gotten to know Alex (I’m still not a fan, but at least I could make up my own mind about him now, instead of listening to the judgment of other people. Plus, I believe he deserves free speech as much as the next person.)

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Thanks! Nice fulltimegeek STEEM chilling at the 57:00 time ahah

It's actually funny that I was just talking about this the other day, I was discussing with my friends that out of all the normal social networks, twitter was probably the hardest one to get banned from, didn't know about all of this back then... Just a few weeks ago one of the top crypto traders on twitter was robbed by his gf (or so he claims) and he not only doxxed her but he also called a hit on her head for 100k... He was banned from Twitter, for a few hours, and then he came back...

Imo Joe Rogan never does much research into his guests, he is a funny interviewer, a cool guy, but he is not the best interviewer when it comes to "hard questions", and since the guy was one of his sponsors he just wanted to chill with him instead of asking the hard questions...

Let's wait and see if Jack Dorsey goes back on the podcast...

In regards to Alex Jones, I've watched some of his content, didn't know his name was Alex but the dude is full conspiracy theorist, there is a limit to how many conspiracy theories one should have, he might be right sometimes, but a lot of his content is made up, he sees conspiracies in everything! The best phrase to describe him imho is: "even a broken clock is right twice a day"... but in no way should he get banned from anywhere for his content! We live in a supposedly free world, that should have more free speech! No matter what type of free speech! Even hate-speech should have a place! If you disagree with the message either don't watch the message or try to reason with the person to change his mind... don't ban it! Because banning content will only "put a shadow on the issue" instead of actually talking and solving the issue!

Hey I am not seeing the video, was it taken down?

I've been on SteemIt for 3 years (almost)...
From day one I really just wanted to be left alone on here and produce some SciFi for the Parent Company now that I'm retired. BUT, very early on I knew there was a coming Storm of Censorship. I made a few friends and told them of my visions... this became SteemPunk Radio and was replaying The Alex Jones Show in preparation for what I had seen. I even setup one of the many Steem Accounts for Infowars...

It's because of this I can say...


AJ and his show are much happier being persecuted. They're not interested in NOT being censored as this publicity is much better for his daily spectacle of Spasms. They've been told Over and OVER again about what's coming and likely are playing right into their script. They ain't the tip of the spear in my book...



he must have taken it down, it's just a still image for me

It should be directly below the of pic of AJ. It still plays for me.


Entertainment wise, I like Joe Rogan, shill or not. Alex Jones, I have always seen as an agenda driven person, I do not see an Agenda with Joe. Alex Jones has had some very questionable things in the past, especially during one of the election conventions which to me was a complete setup. If Joe has an Agenda, I don't know what it is. I am not real sure what Alex Jones agenda is, to me he is/was a wannabe lead ditto man that everyone turns to. I am sure the truth is somewhere in their respective points of view, but is it name calling really the way to go to settle perceived shunning. Oh woe is me I am a victim because blah blah blah wont stand by me. I got tired of it during Bush, Clinton, and Obama reigns, I am still tired of it.

Well I'm just hearing of this. And we'll as a fan of both [kinda on both sides] I'm just going to watch all this and not get invested but why not see what's going on.

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The last thing I remember was they were kind of buddy buddy with each other. Everyone is not who they seem I guess. Great now you got me wanting to watch videos and see what the deal it with these two.
!gif popcorn

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

The man is a fountain for memes

I believe the scientific term is, "Lolcow".

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thanks frank.

In my opinion, Alex Jones is in the wrong for attacking joe but many people think Joe is now a shill and part of the system. 🤷🏼‍♂️😂

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You think Joe is legit?

I believe no one is legit in life, everyone has an agenda in my own opinion. But what do I know 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣

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Joe Rogan has abandoned humanity imho ... that's waaaay worse than not being legit.

What is he shilling? I only just found him a few months ago and really like him so far. But maybe I’m missing something.

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Don't trust anybody. Alex Jones speaks some truth but I don't like his demeanor

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i used to love joe on newsradio but he is completely lost and as the years go by im sort of dissapointed in alex jones
promoting trump when he is part of the elite
for all the things hes done and he cant see through the smokescreen
rogan has turned into a shill and is great at his job fooling people as is trump who i call orangebama now lol
if i had to choose a side it would probably be alex
have a great day fulltimegeek

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!gif nice

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment


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For what it's worth, and that probably isn't going to be a lot, I'm going to enjoy watching this one unfold. Looks to me as if Joe is loosing his grip and swiftly sliding off the cool-wall.