
in alexjones •  4 years ago 

Alex Jones' Most Flagrant Interview Ever. Did Alex Jones lose 10K Bitcoins? Do you control your mouth or does your mouth control you? Clean freaks gave up many times when living in a house with slobs, things end up all dirty and messy all over and that is just a microcosm of things we see on a macrocosm scale. One of my favorite parts of your post is when you wrote "Throwing stones at a giant won’t stop it, but starving it will." One thing I want to add to your post is the following question I wrote earlier today. Black people die twice as much from Covid than white people do because they get less Vitamin D3 from the sun because their skin blocks it out at a higher level.

Five lessons learned in life.
Did Alex Jones lose 10K Bitcoins?

2021, March

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2021-03-13 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-13 - Saturday
Published in March of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-03-13 21:25:55.png

Alex Jones' Most Flagrant Interview Ever | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

Did Alex Jones lose 10K Bitcoins?

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Do you control your mouth or does your mouth control you?

Flagrant 2

09:35 PM - Alex Jones' Most Flagrant Interview Ever | Flagrant 2 with Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh

Did Alex Jones lose 10K Bitcoins?


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Funny Paradoxes

12:20 AM - Hive Blog

Funny way to start a painful mind blender or bender. I didn't know iodine could help with a foot problem or I mean a wound. But that makes sense.

And I love paradoxes and that thing about ish this and ish that. It's not iffy but ishy. "I Love Lucy." Great show. And the show must go on. Break a leg. Wait, no, a foot. If you wanna live, don't hold your breathe.

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How do we make Hive Blog More Mainstream?

11:21 AM - Hive

And a gateway into making Hive Blog go more mainstream, my bet would possibly be on Three Speak but my second guess might be Leo Finance.

How do we find peace?

11:25 AM - Hive

Can a wardrobe be turned into a cupboard, are they similar or very similar? I wasn't exactly sure. Speaking of not being over cluttered or distracted, I hear some people would lock their televisions inside cabinets with actual locks or at least close the door and only bring it out once a week or so.

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Freedom Log
2021-03-13 - Saturday - 04:20 PM - Freedom Log created

Wag The Mouth

2021-03-13 - Saturday - 04:20 PM - Freedom Log

Do you control your mouth or does your mouth control you?

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How do we get people onto Hive Blog?

04:30 AM - Hive

Once the cryptocurrency ecosystem in general goes viral enough, regardless of which parts brings us over, then places like Hive Blog becomes like one of the channels people can choose from when jumping onto alternative tech for the first time.

Oddly, there is still a gap between places like Hive Blog with places like Gab.com which is probably not a blockchain but is at least a step in the right direction. Finding ways to bridge gaps would be ground breaking in helping people see which direction to take for years to come.

Covid is very bad?

11:16 AM - Hive

Covid vaccines are killing people. There are so many top doctors who have been censored online which means there is information you have not seen.

But there is a lot of information out there. The CDC, WHO, etc, have written articles. There are things they wrote which you may be unaware of. One of the biggest things scientists and doctors found in recent studies are these T-cells which people already had in their body.

John Wicks 4

11:27 AM - Hive

I enjoyed Bill & Ted 3. Oh, a fourth John Wicks is coming? Wow. If only we could get new Matrix movies.

Blurt & Cross-Posting

12:19 PM - Hive

Yes. But you knew that already. Hey, by the way, how do you cross-post? My guess is via some website app service thing. I kind of like it but what are the differences and similarities between reblogging (sharing) and cross-posting? Better yet, I mean what are the benefits of cross-posting?

It is on PeakD?

12:57 PM - Hive

Oh, you can cross-post via PeakD for example. On Hive Blog, there are two tabs, all your posts go to the posts tab, including community posts, and when I reblog, then it shows up in the main tab. In regards to how reblogging works, I think we both agree that is how reblog works.

In regards to cross-posting, are you saying you can press the button to reblog but to a community? Can you only cross-post a post one time? And I think you can cross-post your own posts and other people's posts. I like this concept of cross-posting.

01:25 PM
That is a great feature. That gives PeakD an advantage. I wonder if Ecency has cross-posting as well or not.

Can we wear this?

2021-03-13 - Saturday - 12:39 PM - Instagram

@liltrashmouth it is a costume. It was a movie. And women can dance around in bikinis and you are ok with that. I am wearing shorts under the costume in the video skit. My body my choice. You are ok with people doing what they want but pretend not to be ok with a costume. Meanwhile people are dying from the needle thing.

What about Donkey Kong Junior?

12:47 PM - Hive

It was strange to turn Mario into a villain, would he capture Donkey Kong, I would hope not, but it is a fun game, I played the game as a kid in the 1990s and it is a funny game too. Years later, they came out with Donkey Kong Country.

Bill & Ted 3

01:34 PM - Hive

It is a pretty good grand finale kind of film to the series in the sense the storyline, the plot, is even bigger. I think it was a lot more exciting than the new Dumb & Dumber movie.

From the top of my head, I forget the plot of the newest Dumb & Dumber movie which came out a few years ago in the 2010s. Well, I kind of remember bits and pieces. But the third Bill & Ted has a fun plot that I've not forgotten. I can clearly visualize the outline of that 3rd film.

Bridge in Vietnam

01:58 PM - Hive

Xinh chao em, I really love that bridge, I used to live in Vietnam teaching English. Oh, you have cute dogs or puppies. I was mostly in Saigon. I've not been to Da Nang or other cities around there but I've heard good things about them. I love those photos on the train tracks.


08:41 PM - Hive

I always cry too. I like romantic movies and also many kinds of movies but romantic comedy movies are especially interesting.

Nuts & Milk

08:52 PM - Hive

I wonder if Kirby was inspired by Nuts & Milk. This is a cute game. I bet little girls liked this game too. I never heard of this game before, I don't think. I was born in 1985 around the time the NES came out. I grew up playing so many games and I have many of these games on my computer now. One NES game I really like is called Fire & Ice.

Great Reset vs Great Awakening

09:01 PM - Hive

One of my favorite parts of your post is when you wrote "Throwing stones at a giant won’t stop it, but starving it will." One thing I want to add to your post is the following question I wrote earlier today.

Do you control your mouth or does your mouth control you?

Did Alex Jones lose 10K Bitcoins?

10:18 PM - Hive

I never heard of Flagrant 2 until now, but anybody who has the guts to interview Alex Jones has my interest. So, after watching that clip, I'm going to watch the entire almost three hour interview they did.

Alex Jones red-pilled me in 2016, not that I was ever a leftist before that, but I was less aware before that; since then, I've been writing more, I've been listening to different people a lot more; I read more. I've been learning a whole lot these past five years.

I joined Steemit (the daddy of Hive Blog) in 2017. I started buying Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that same year. I like the philosophy of the decentralization of competitive money, be it crypto, gold, silver, precious metals, natural resources, water, land, people, trees, food, etc. My motto in general is simply may the best sources of value win be it cryptocurrencies and/or other things.

I've been following what Alex and others say about Bitcoin for years, it's a rather long story, and Jones has generally said bad things about Bitcoin but has generally praised cryptocurrency technology for going against the monopoly of the Federal Reserve, the central global banks, etc.

I don't know if Alex really thinks Max Keiser is an operative, a bad man, or whatever, but I like Max and I listen to Max sometimes.

I don't know why Alex would try to say Bitcoin is controlled or what. Could there be secret code in how Bitcoin works to allow for a trap door so globalists could steal all the Bitcoins in the world? I would say probably not but it doesn't matter either way because if that were to happen, then people could then move on to a Bitcoin fork, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Hive, Steem, other cryptocurrencies, gold, etc.

By the way, countries have tried to ban and destroy Bitcoin but have failed so far. People have tried hacking into Bitcoin and have failed. So, it's not like they're not trying to flood crypto with regulations and the corrupt aspects of the federal government in the United States have been clamping down and/or trying to at least clamp down on cryptos. My advice is, "Hold on for the ride of your life."

Alex has said Bitcoin can make us used to digital coins (virtual fiat). It is true on a psychological level, crypto can draw people away from cash, coins, gold, tangible assets, etc.

Facebook is trying to get Libra (Diem), their own fake cryptocurrency coin, to go viral. It's actually more like digital fiat and not an actual cryptocurrency as far as I can tell. Governments in different countries seek after having fake cryptocurrencies or centralized digital tokens. They want people to give up all their cash, all their gold, etc, and rely only on digital tokens which they control.

But people SHOULD NOT conflate digital fiat with mathematically-governed cryptocurrencies.

Digital fiat has problems. Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, has helped many people escape Venezuela for example.

In conclusion, I'm going to continue to invest in cryptocurrencies. But at the same time, people should also try to buy land and should start farms and become as independent as possible.

May you find the fountain of youth. Just kidding, you already got it.

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Walker 101

2021-03-13 - Saturday - 03:39 AM - 04:22 AM - Walker 101

Walker's wife dies. 11 months later. How did she die? The female partner of Walker was on Walking Dead or Fear the Walking Dead or something. Walker learns how to be a father again to get to know his kids again which can take some time.

Banned Video


01:39 PM
Clean freaks gave up many times when living in a house with slobs, things end up all dirty and messy all over and that is just a microcosm of things we see on a macrocosm scale.

04:20 PM
Do you control your mouth or does your mouth control you?

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Dear diary, got up at 11:05 AM, mild headache. Little cold even with an extra coat over my jackets. What are you doing? Oh, I was thinking I was eating. Oh, something about to work more outside kind of thing. Swept and then organized the garden shed a little more today around 01:15 PM for a few minutes, moved a shelf in order to slide the lawnmower over to the wall. Strawberry cage maintenance from like 2 or 3 PM to 4 PM. An hour or maybe longer. Probably started not before 2 PM. Most likely before 3 PM. Also, pill boxes help before that. Also, critter fed. Recycling before that. Truck. Not my dad. What ya doing. Oh, taking out weeds out of this strawberry bed. Now to our special once a year or so steak and potatoes with asparagus dinner. Sick day or relatives over day kind of thing for the VegiTale namesake drumming away cuz the truck and all. Special occasion but that peanut butter candy bar thing was not a good idea yesterday but it was kind of fun. But I kind of didn't enjoy it during and more so after. But I got a sweet tooth that draws me in kind of thing. Continued strawberry work from 5 PM to 7 PM, total of 3 or 4 hours. Then dishes. Then shower around 8 PM. Headache today since the morning, got worse around 6 PM to 7 PM and then took 4 Magnesium pills and am doing better by a big degree around 08:37 PM. Mom gave me some pills too which probably helped too.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: coffee, tangerines, 11:20 AM.
Lunch: No lunch that I can remember or maybe some soup. I forget.
Dinner: Special once a year or so (according to mom) steak and potatoes with asparagus dinner at 4 PM.

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