Truth or Dare Challenge

in alicedaretruth •  6 years ago 

So, I was nominated for this Truth or Dare Challenge, originally started by @blog-fictions. Here is the original post.

Now, for those who know me, I'm not much of an extrovert. I find talking about myself both difficult and tedious, in addition to counterproductive when I try to keep my online persona separate from my irl identity. I wrote out a draft with all my answers, but they just seemed so dull. But then, @dreemsteem offered me an easy out; answer the questions as a character from some of my stories. Specifically, Dapper.

I hope people enjoy this more than me being serious answering these questions, since I promise that wasn't very interesting. Also, I hope no one takes this as an insult to the original spirit of the challenge.

1: When was the last time you cried and why?

Bwa ha ha! I don’t cry ever! Well, except for that one time I… what was it? I think I tripped over a cat. I felt really bad about it, and the cat did too. It made that expressly clear as it tried to claw my nonexistent eyes out.

2: If you could hire someone to do one thing for you what would it be?

I would hire someone to write my biography! The title would be, Dapper: Badass with a Hat. I'm sure it would quickly become my favorite thing to read! Unless it's really long... but I digress.

3: What is the one thing you are most afraid of and why?

Not a fan of the harmonica, myself.

4: Power to fly or Power to be invisible? Why?

Oh, invisibility, without a doubt. Just imagine how much easier it is to sneak up on your victims when they can't see you!

5: If you only had a minute to get out of your house what would you grab and why?

I don’t own a house. If I did, and presumably it was filled with things I owned, then I would grab my hypothetical Gem of Absolute Invincibility.

6: If you are stuck on an island with someone from steemit who would that person be and why?

I don’t know many people from Steemit. Can I just say someone I do know? How about Stanley? He’s a pretty cool dude. Everyone loves Stanley!

7: The most smartest person on steemit according to you is?

Smartest person I know is Oracle, though I feel like I’m forgetting about someone when saying that…

8: The most funniest person on steemit according to you is?

The funniest person I know is Grector. Sure, he comes off as grumpy and about half the times I see him he tries to kill me, but he can tell some real humdingers once you get him going!

9: Reveal the one thing that you always wanted to say to someone from steemit

“Hello darkness, my old friend.”

10: Your crush on steemit would be?

Sorry, Grector knows a lot more about crushing people than I do. I prefer fisticuffs or bladed instruments, myself.

11: What is the first thing that comes to your mind about me?

You are rather courageous to pose these questions, especially to one such as me. What if you don’t like the answers? Maybe you would have preferred not to have heard them, and left the optimal unknown as your reality? Well, you have my answers now.

For anyone interested in taking this challenge, here are the rules

You can choose either "Truth" or "Dare" or choose both if you want and make a post on it:)(see original post for dare criteria, if interested)

Use the main hashtag as alicedaretruth

All are free to participate. Nomination is not compulsory

You need to nominate two or more people for the challenge to continue forward

Every post to contain the link to my original post

MOST IMPORTANTLY : Feel free to change the "Dare" and "Truth" challenges as you seem fit when you nominate someone. Or you can keep it the same as below its your choose :)

To continue the challenge, I nominate @penderis and @tamala.

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THIS WAS THE BEST!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha

I liked Dapper's answers way better than your answers. Correct, i didn't read your answers.

But - i'm in love with Dapper. and i'm not in love with you. Therefore....



by the way.... i think that when @penderis and @tamala answer.....

Pen should answer like Tamala
and Tamala should answer like Pen! hehehehehehe

come on guysssssssssss it will be so fun!!!!!!!! LOLOLOL

Pen will be like "gluten, gluten, gluten"

and Tam will be like "randomrantofthedaywithlotsofcursewords"


Seems like you think I don't know ways to be crude without cursing. Challenge accepted.

Posted using Partiko Android

no - i believe you can be crude with and without cursing. you just prefer cursing LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Thank you for was nice reading your answers :)