Alien being Explains concept of Psychic Connection [TL;DR included]

in alien •  7 years ago  (edited)


For those of you who are having trouble understanding the origin of my posts relating to the many alleged interviews that medium Paul Hamden participated in to open a line of communication with a few alien races; here, one of the Zetas explains how this psychic link occurs. Please note that during these interviews, the medium was not actively conscious of his surroundings and every occurrence. For this reason most sessions were recorded, and ultimately transcribed and published into several books. These alien races expressively requested that these interactions be shared with those who seek a better understanding of their knowledge, technology and perception of reality; otherwise there would have no reason to invest their time and attention since it was intended as support for our advancement. I cannot corroborate these events, however, holy jesus fuck guys, you won't believe all the information they share. On my next post you can read how the Annunaki and the Zetas define what we ourselves call The Astral Realm, and other planes of existence.

Here's a small excerpt from the book 'A primer of the Zeta race' explaining how psychic links are done.

Interviewer: you mentioned at one point that the etheric body has a
base frequency. For humans it's just 7 or 8 cycles/sec while the Zeta
race has several, one of which is 16. What does it mean to have a
base frequency?

Zeta: That analogy is in relation to the level of resonation that a
being would hold energetically.

Interviewer: Is energy transferred from the human physical body to
the etheric body, or from the etheric body to the physical body?

Zeta: Both ways... if the human requires connection, a level of matter
to energy is required to increase the frequency of the etheric body,
but if an external being is to connect to a human's, then the energy
will come from the external entity.

Zeta: One frequency defines the state of the physical body which is
encapsulated by the etheric body. The etheric body is in a constant
state of change in regards to the level of frequencies that indeed is
able to …now defined by… now, many of the frequencies that are
within the intermediary process of the etheric body are also in a state of change and flux. At any given point you may have what
would be considered eddies, if you have the analogy of whirlpools in

Zeta: At some point, you are resonating, my friend

Interviewer: What am I resonating with?

Zeta: You are resonating my friend, you have a resonation too. Some
would say that that is your frequency.

Interviewer: What does a conjoined frequency mean?

Zeta: It means to us that it is in resonation, so if two entities are to
come together, two different frequencies, then the frequencies of the
two entities must change so they can be conjoined and resonate

Interviewer: Ok, so it's a single frequency that each entity is defined

Zeta: For connection purposes, but you see, you need to open your
mind and, as there are many energies that are in existence, then for
them to come to being to exist for connection purposes, there must
be some point of interconnection in regards to the process of
frequency and resonation of frequency. Much as each of the races
have a base frequency for connection, and then depending on the
entities within that race would depend on the level of frequency that
they hold.

Zeta: Higher self is of a different frequency. But it is bound
intrinsically to the etheric nature and body. Now of course, if you have one frequency in the physical,
multiple frequencies in the etheric body, and then the highest
possible frequency that you are able to be determined by, that
attachment is a active flow of energy and frequency between the
physical and the higher self using the etheric as the intermediary
process. We said to you before that the etheric body held many

Interviewer: Could you tell us about energetic implants that have
been put into individuals with their higher consciousness consent?

Zeta: That is a communication process and so the race that they are
from would have changed the energetic barriers around the
framework of consciousness. This has allowed the connection
process to take place, and so they are able to connect back to their
race process.

Connection discussion (a.k.a. TL;DR)

The Zeta says that each entity is defined by a single frequency for
connection and communication. This frequency is closely associated
with the physical body, and is influenced by the frequencies of the
etheric body. The communication/etheric body interface is parallel to
the physical/etheric body interface, and appears to consist of swirls
having the common frequency needed for connection. The state of
the physical body mirrors the state of the etheric body, so the single
connection frequency can be raised with energy from the physical or
by resonation with higher etheric body frequencies.
The base connection frequency indicates the level of energetic
resonation held by a race. The connection frequencies of two entities
may conjoin or resonate when they match, thus allowing
A hybrid human, someone who has an extraterrestrial race as a point
of origin, may have energetic barriers around their consciousness
that inhibit communication with the race. These barriers can be
removed by the race in order to facilitate the connection process.
The Zeta was asked if physical contact between a Zeta and a human
would be possible. They replied, “You cannot touch us, you would be
burnt. As you moved closer, your skin would become burnt because
of frequency. To look into the eyes of the race, you may lose your
mind, your construct would disintegrate, and so when we come, we
come in many altered states of physicality. But you can be trained to
be with us.”

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Creepy - but fascinating

Right? I thought so as well.

scary to think how this works,
really gets to you.

Shame nothing useful was discussed, like er, I dunno, cures to diseases like cancer. How to sequence certain genes, production of antimatter, infinite energy, that sort of thing...


Actually they do. They even heal some people who contacted the medium to ask them for help. You only need to follow and even pictures will be included as the proof Treurniet and Hamden offered.

Hmm, previously unseen, yet verified, compound chemical formulas are what would convince me.


Not trying to convince anyone, I can't even say I believe this, I'm only sharing these alleged and documented experiences that most people don't seem to know about.

I find it interesting however.

Fair enough, I just get the same feeling about this, as I do when I hear about Joseph Smith, father of Mormonism;reading special instructions, from a magic hat, that only he could see.

Anyone, can say anything, and I guess there will always be people who believe them, and always people who just think; meh.


I'll tell you what, how about this? You read this one other post (no need to upvote, really, its not what I'm trying) and if this doesn't at the very least make you wonder stuff, then I'll go to your blog and upvote every post that hasn't been archived yet. I will reestem even.

If I'm right then you owe me a follow.

OK, I warn you though, I am highly skeptical; as you've probably already observed. :-)



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