The Zeta concept of Time (a.k.a "The Grays")

in alien •  8 years ago 


Our definition of frequency requires the concept of a
rigid, linear time scale so that we can measure the number of events
per unit of time. The Zetas, however, do not use this concept, and so
when they adopted our word frequency, it was intended as an
analogy for something different. It is hard for people indoctrinated in our modern cultures to imagine living without clocks, but the Zetas note that even many of earth's indigenous people do not share our concept of the time process.
A Zeta also observed, “The spirit people do not have the concept of
time. They have no need for the concept of time. Now, if you were
able to separate from your body consciously, your consciousness
was to disassociate itself from the physical container, it would
recognize within itself it does not have the potential to need time.”

The energetic portion of our being (i.e., our spirit or consciousness)
is not linked to the time process. Humanity invented clock time as a
tool for understanding physical existence.
The Zetas' experience of time is living in the “now”. For them,
“time is a reference point, not a continuum”. This means that they
have expectations based on what is currently happening. For them,
the process of existence is each task is completed and then the next
task is moved on to”
. Coming events are not objectively mapped out
on a future timeline as we often think they are. The Zetas' temporal
experience consists of observing a sequence of events, while not
expecting where they will occur on an artificial time scale.
However, this does not mean that the Zetas are unable to use our
time-keeping devices for their own ends. A Zeta speaking through
the medium used timed events to help maintain telepathic contact
with the medium. From their point of view, time is elastic, and
connecting to our timeline is a “malleable” process. They prefers to
have a ticking clock in the séance room for better control of the
connection. The ticking of the clock “creates a permanent
connection telepathically to the medium back to ourselves, and so
each interval of second is used as a pulse from this room to where
we are”
. The ticking clock generates a sequence of events that they
can use to synchronize their more flexible subjective experience of
the “now” with our self-imposed rigid experience of linear time.

*Excerpt from the book 'A primer of the Zeta race'

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I hope to meet one someday :)

That would be mindblowing