Two Alien beings Explain how Ectoplasm can Create Matter.

in alien •  7 years ago 


Let's start by defining what ectoplasm and apports are so those of you who are not clear on the concept can understand better the words exchanged during this interview.

This definition of ectoplasm was taken from Wikipedia: "Ectoplasm (from the Greek ektos, meaning "outside", and plasma, meaning "something formed or molded") is a term coined by Charles Richet to denote a substance or spiritual energy "exteriorized" by physical mediums. Ectoplasm is said to be associated with the formation of spirits."

Also, of course, the definition of apport:
In parapsychology and spiritualism, an apport is the alleged paranormal transference of an article from one place to another, or an appearance of an article from an unknown source that is often associated with poltergeist activity or séances.

This is an excerpt extracted from the book 'A primer of the Zeta race' by William Treurniet where many alleged interviews with Zeta Reticulan alien beings (most commonly known as The Grays) were conducted with the help of medium Paul Hamden. Many different subjects were discussed over a period of several years and you can find more excerpts on my blog if you're interested. If you like this one be sure to follow, I will deliver more of these interactions.


Interviewer: We need to get a handle on how energetic forms are
manifested in the physical. We have a hint already, but the
mechanism is unclear.

Zeta1: Are you speaking on how a being would manifest
consciousness into a physical form once it has traveled across many

There are also many states of physicality, many states of matter.
Each state of matter is like a thinner and thinner lining or sheet. The
gross matter of this physical reality is where humans live. The other
"linings" are not seen. They would be seen to be like a silk fabric
interwoven between the gross matter.

Once a consciousness has "thought" to a coordinate, it then
intermingles with the finer physicality, drawing to itself the
molecules of the process. Accompanying this is the energy of the
existence (the energy bound to the matter), and the combined
process of matter and energy form a materialized form into the gross
state of matter. This has been called by the spirit realm "ectoplasm".

Interviewer: What is the matter in the finer physicality from which
the molecules of the process are drawn? Where does that come

Zeta1: They have always existed as part of the fabric of this
universe. Your ability to see the light spectrum is inhibited, but you
have the ability to understand that the scale of range of light is

Interviewer: Yes

Zeta1: Not all matter is in a combined state as in existing as a
solidified form. Much matter is in a non-combined state.

Interviewer: Is an electron an example of matter in a non-combined

Zeta1: Yes

Interviewer: So matter elements like electrons, for example, exist
with source energy?

Zeta1: All states of matter exist with energy and consciousness. The
finer matter is the non-combined - non-formed matter is utilized to
create - to draw to a consciousness a framework of materialization
or materiality.

Interviewer: Is the non-combined matter a particular organization of
source energy?

Zeta1: It has a non-organized state.

Interviewer: We were told that all is energy, suggesting that fine
matter is of the same substance as source energy. Is this so?

Zeta1: If you were to break down all of matter, it would be seen to be
consciousness. Consciousness holding itself into conscious states
creates matter. This is seen as certain elements, some of a finer
framework, others of a gross process. As you breathe in oxygen, you
bring this to yourself as an act of consciousness. As a consciousness
would bring to itself finer matter, it creates a process of


Interviewer: When we were in xxxxxx, we did table sittings and an
apport came out of the middle of the air. The room was not dark at
the time so we all saw where it came from. It just materialized from
nothing. Can you tell me how that happened? What is the process
involved for an apport to come to us on this side?

Zeta2: The spirit entity would have a form or shape that they wish to
devise as a method of manifestation that would materialize. They
would have a mirror image of the physical entity but have the etheric
form of it, and so they bring to the etheric form that, once the etheric
form is populated with finer matter, the apport materializes.

Interviewer: So it's a mirror image of something that's in, for
example, in the spirit realm?

Zeta2: No, my friend, it may be an apport that exists from within the
physical realm.

Interviewer: So it's moved from one place to another?

Zeta2: No, it is a mirror image of something that already exists. All
physical matter has an etheric body. The etheric body is copied,
which is an easy task for a spirit being.

Interviewer: So it's not something that's taken from one place to

Zeta2: It was created by man. The spirit brings within the… a copy
of the etheric body of the item that is to be materialized.

Interviewer: Can you tell me, is the copy exactly the same size,
shape, colour?

Zeta2: Yes, it must be.

Interviewer: So it's not something that's bigger, and then
materialized as smaller, so it's exactly the same size, made of the
same substance?

Zeta2: Yes, down to the finest particle.

Interviewer: Explain to me what circumstances are needed for that to
happen… what conditions have to be maintained for an apport to

Zeta2: The spirit entity would have strong contact with the medium.
They would be able to manufacture much of the matter from the
medium's body.

Interviewer: From the medium's body, did you say?

Zeta2: As the etheric image of the apported entity is populated full
of fine matter, much of the substance of the apport is based on the
medium's physiology. This is why apports are able to be manifested
through a medium's physical being.

Interviewer: So are you saying that ectoplasm is used in most
materializations of apports?

Zeta2: Yes.

Now you must me wondering, how can an apport be created out of the medium's body when a human body does not contain sufficient matter from certain elements to sustain the materialization of certain types of apport, for example, a marble made of iron? This was also answered by Zeta1:

Zeta1: Water, all mediums are drained of water in ectoplasm
displays, and oxygen.

Interviewer: I would like to pursue further what happens to the

Zeta1: Breathing provides the catalyst to create energy, water
provides the molecular structure for ectoplasm - no water, very little
transmuted water is available for ectoplasm.

Interviewer: But it has to change its atomic structure to make
apports, and probably ectoplasm.

Zeta1: Yes, but I'm considering if a word even exists to accurately
describe in a chemical sense what the ectoplasm is, as if, the word
does not even exist in the human language to determine its proper

Interviewer: Ok, then lets talk about apports. We know what it ends
up as.

Zeta1: The chemists determine the proper molecular structure for
the apport sequence. The zeta race determines if the physical body of
the medium can create the required elements for the apport.

Interviewer: I doubt that, the medium would not have had enough
copper in his body to make that brass apport.

Zeta1: As stated, transmuted molecules are used to provide basic
templates, and then other fine matter is used to fill in the gaps. It's
completely possible to use other matter apart from the medium,
except the medium is the conduit for the apport, so some matter is required to support the conduit of the materialization of the apport through the medium.

Interviewer: Where is that stated?

Zeta1: I am stating it!

Interviewer: Well, we were told earlier that all the material comes
from the medium's body.

Zeta1: Yes, but as in all things, there is flexibility. If one factor is not
enough, others are then brought into play. The medium may not be
able to produce the required chemical compounds, so an apport will
still be constructed using other means.

Interviewer: So some apports are made of material not from the

Zeta1: Yes, but as stated before, some small amount of material is
required to support the materialization process, so even a few
molecules will be used to support the transition.

Interviewer: You mean as a seed.

Zeta1: If the medium's capacity to provide material is sufficient then
it is taken. Yes, a seed is comparable. As ectoplasm is primarily
water based, it is used by spirits to manifest through the life force.
Or to put it another way, as the water has been taken from the
medium's structure, the etheric portions of the water structure are
used to create the ectoplasmic structure combined with the matter
from the medium.

Interviewer: So why the emphasis on oxygen?

Zeta1: So it is seen that ectoplasm is primarily two substances
energy and water, it's a primary function of oxygen to create the
stimulated environment to allow much increased energy to be
created ... this energy is then withdrawn from the body of the
medium and combined with matter to form ectoplasm, and as stated,
the chemists, as they are called, will aid in the formulation of the
structure of matter.

Interviewer: Combined with which matter?

Zeta1: Water.

Interviewer: That means ectoplasm is made from oxygen and
hydrogen from the water, combined with energy from oxygen.

Zeta1: Yes, but there is a certain consciousness to the ectoplasm as
well. Its not simply a matter of a construct based in matter. The
consciousness is required to determine the proper usage of the
ectoplasm so the consciousness of a "spirit" is utilized to allow the
usage of the ectoplasm, else there would be no structures. So this is
why and how materialization is produced in a sitting.

Interviewer: The spirit makes something like an etheric body, this
would be a kind of template?

Zeta1: Yes, template.

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Man thats a nice explanation. Really easy to understand and good writing style keep up the good work!