RE: Giant Alien ships around saturn and jupiter claimed by Nasa Scientist Norman Bergrun? Do you believe in Alien.. Have you ever seen an alien craft

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Giant Alien ships around saturn and jupiter claimed by Nasa Scientist Norman Bergrun? Do you believe in Alien.. Have you ever seen an alien craft

in alien •  8 years ago 

The rings are artificial. This was proven about 50 years ago by some crazy old mathematician/astronomer. He wrote a book about it. Basically there are cylindrical ships that are creating/maintaining these rings. There are many photos of them that are pretty undeniable. Research the octagon on saturns pole and how it relates the the cube (mecca), jewish star of david, and the cross ;) Its all saturn worship, and saturn = satan. Saturn was the slayer of men, which is why Santa rides on a sleigh. It could all just be coincidence though. Its just interesting to think about and research. Unsettling to say the least.

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