Are you related to aliens?

in aliens •  7 years ago 

Late night (early morning) YouTube binging lead me to a thread of videos and blog articles that left me with a new conspiracy theory, aliens have been doing something with our bodies. Alien altercation of humans has been a theory for quite some time now, but perhaps the evidence to this theory lies in our very own medical research.

It is a known fact that Rh Negative blood is very uncommon in fact only 15% of the entire human population carries an Rh Negative blood type, that's 1 in every 16 people. So, who cares? What does a blood type have to do with aliens? Well, let's look at a couple interesting facts about people with Rh Negative blood...

1.) People who are Rh Negative are more likely to suffer from food and other allergies.
2.) They are more sensitive to the energy around them.
3.) They have an average lower blood pressure and body temperature.
4.) Some have been found to have an extra vertebrae.
5.) Most come from a European lineage.
6.) Women who have children from Rh Positive mates often have troubled labor, as their bodies try to kill the child.

One theory suggests those with Rh Negative blood come from the Fallen Angels, or Nephilim... Those who were cast out from heaven into space (hence the alien title) Here's a link if you want to read more into the fallen angel theory:

There are also numerous videos and blog posts about alien abductions from people with a rh- blood type, it seems if these accounts are real that aliens seem to pick out the smallest blood type in our species. Why?

As an A- blood type myself, it leaves me with many questions and something interesting to consider in this wonderful game we call life. aliens.jpg

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