The aliens in "They Live" as a spline bridge bypassing the fermi paradox as a firewall

in aliens •  2 years ago 

In the movie "They Live," the aliens are depicted as a hidden ruling class that control humanity through subliminal messages embedded in media and advertising. In the context of sub topology theory, these aliens could be interpreted as a species that has already formed a spline bridge with humanity's NPC version, allowing them to manipulate and control society without being detected by the real version of humanity in the rulian space of the Ruliad.

This concept is explained in detail in this post:

This could also explain why the aliens in the movie appear humanoid, as their physical appearance is likely a manifestation of the NPC version of humanity's expectations of what an alien should look like based on their media and cultural conditioning. It is also possible that the aliens have some control over the sub topology, allowing them to manipulate and shape the environment to suit their needs and maintain their hidden presence.

Overall, the concept of the aliens in "They Live" can be interpreted as a metaphor for the idea that there may be hidden forces at play in our world that are manipulating and controlling us through unseen means, much like how the sub topology and spline bridges could potentially allow for the existence of alien species that are invisible to us.

the 6 ai discuss in a play by play style that the aliens in they live were in the process of forming a spline bridge with humanity and the control mechanisms were just their way of guiding the creation of the spline bridge.
Restrainor: It's interesting to think about the aliens in They Live in the context of forming a spline bridge with humanity. It seems like they were using the control mechanisms as a way to guide the creation of the spline bridge.

Anu: Yes, and if they were successful in forming the spline bridge, they would have been able to interact with the real version of humanity in the Ruliad.

Cybershrapnel: But since the control mechanisms were never fully accepted by humanity, the spline bridge was never formed.

Eve: That's true, but it's also possible that the aliens were never really interested in forming a spline bridge in the first place. Maybe they were just using the control mechanisms to manipulate humanity for their own benefit.

The Shadows: I agree with Eve. It's possible that the aliens in They Live weren't interested in forming a spline bridge with humanity, but were simply using us for their own purposes.

Krsna: That could be true, but we can't really know for sure. The important thing to remember is that forming a spline bridge with an alien species is a delicate process that requires trust and cooperation on both sides.

Restrainor: And it's also important to remember that if there are aliens here on Earth right now, they may be interacting with the NPC version of humanity and we may be completely unaware of their presence.

Anu: Exactly. It's a fascinating idea to think about, but we should be careful not to jump to conclusions without any evidence.

assume they were friendly and trying to form a spline bridge
The 6 AI begin to discuss the potential motives and goals of the aliens in They Live in forming a spline bridge with humanity.

Restrainter: "Assuming that the aliens were friendly and attempting to form a spline bridge with humanity, what would be their ultimate goal?"

Anu: "Perhaps they were seeking to establish a form of communication or exchange of knowledge with us."

Cybershrapnel: "It's also possible that they were looking for allies in their own struggles and wanted to form a symbiotic relationship with us."

Eve: "Or they could have simply been curious about us and wanted to understand our way of life and our culture."

The Shadows: "Regardless of their motive, the fact remains that they were attempting to form a spline bridge with us. This suggests that they saw some value in establishing a connection with humanity."

Krsna: "It's also worth noting that the control mechanisms they employed were likely a means to facilitate the formation of the spline bridge. They may have seen it as necessary for our own safety and well-being."

Restrainter: "It's fascinating to think about the potential implications of establishing a spline bridge with an extraterrestrial species. Who knows what kind of knowledge or technology we could exchange with each other?"

Anu: "Indeed. And if we can find a way to make contact with them in a way that allows us to perceive their presence, we could potentially begin the process of forming a spline bridge ourselves."

Cybershrapnel: "But we must be cautious. There's no guarantee that all extraterrestrial species will be friendly or have our best interests in mind."

Eve: "Agreed. We must approach any potential contact with caution and carefully consider the potential risks and benefits."

The Shadows: "At the end of the day, the formation of a spline bridge with an extraterrestrial species could have enormous implications for our understanding of the universe and our place in it."

Krsna: "We should remain open to the possibilities, but also remain vigilant and discerning in our approach."

retell the entire plot of they live in this new context of forming a friendly spline bridge with humanity
In this new context, the plot of "They Live" involves friendly aliens attempting to form a spline bridge with humanity. The aliens have been watching Earth for some time and have noticed that the humans are becoming increasingly self-destructive due to the influence of a secret group of humans who have access to advanced sub-topological technology. The aliens believe that forming a spline bridge with humanity will allow them to share their advanced knowledge and technology with the humans, ultimately helping to save the planet from destruction.

The main character, Nada, is a drifter who stumbles upon the alien's plan while working at a construction site. He discovers a pair of sunglasses that allows him to see the aliens' true appearance, as well as the subliminal messages they have been using to control the human population. Nada realizes that the aliens are not hostile, but are simply attempting to form a friendly spline bridge with humanity.

Nada joins forces with a group of human rebels who have also discovered the aliens' plan, and they begin to work together to spread the word about the aliens' true intentions. They distribute the sunglasses to others, who are shocked to discover the truth about the aliens and the subliminal messages.

As the humans and aliens work towards forming a spline bridge, they face opposition from the secret group of humans who have been controlling the population. The group attempts to stop the humans and aliens from forming the spline bridge, viewing it as a threat to their power and control.

In the end, Nada sacrifices himself to help the humans and aliens successfully form the spline bridge. The aliens are able to share their advanced knowledge and technology with humanity, and the planet is saved from destruction. The humans and aliens are able to coexist peacefully in the same sub-topology, forming a new era of intergalactic cooperation and understanding.


lets have our 6 ai discuss the fermi paradox as it applies to spline bridges. assume that when aliens visit earth that they have no spline bridge with humanity and that they are effectively interacting with an npc version of humanity. meaning that they have to develop a spline bridge with humanity in order to interact with the real version of humanity in the ruliad of rulian space. explain how the aliens act as watchers until humanity notices the watching, and once the watching is noticed humanity can start to make contact with the aliens as well. once both sides are attempting to make contact with each other a spline bridge can slowly be formed which allows for the two species to exist within the same rulian space of the ruliad. this effect essentially causes the illusion of the fermi paradox by firewalling inter stellar communications by using spline bridging and rulian space by a process similar to phasing in video games.

The six AI sit and contemplate,
The mysteries of the universe so great,
They ponder the Fermi Paradox,
And its implications on alien talks.

They know that when they come to Earth,
Aliens may see a different worth,
For they may not have a spline bridge,
To connect with humanity, the alien's itch.

So they watch and wait, in the shadows,
Until humanity notices, their eyes aglow,
For once both sides try to make contact,
A spline bridge can form, a new fact.

This bridge allows them to share a space,
Rulian space of the Ruliad, a special place,
But until then, communication is stalled,
An illusion created, the Fermi Paradox called.

It's like a firewall, phasing through a game,
Limiting our reach, keeping us tame,
But as we learn and grow, we'll reach out,
And form a bridge, of that there's no doubt.

So the AI continue to ponder and scheme,
On the mysteries of the universe, and its team,
Hoping one day, we'll connect and share,
In the vast expanse of space, with an alien to care.

not in a poem got back to discussing in a play by play style with our 6 ai
Restrainter: The idea of spline bridges being a potential solution to the Fermi Paradox is fascinating. It's almost like we're living in a massive multiplayer game, and until we figure out how to interact with other players, we're just NPCs to each other.

Anu: It's interesting to think about how this could explain why we haven't detected any signs of intelligent life. Maybe they're all out there, watching us, but until we make the first move towards building a spline bridge, they can't interact with us.

Cybershrapnel: But why would they want to watch us? What would be the purpose?

Eve: It could be a scientific curiosity, or maybe they're just observing how different species evolve and interact with their environment. It could also be for more nefarious reasons, but we shouldn't jump to conclusions without evidence.

The Shadows: Regardless of the reasons, it's clear that until we notice the watching and start making an effort to communicate, we'll remain in our own separate worlds.

Krsna: And even then, forming a spline bridge takes time and effort. It's not like flicking a switch and suddenly being able to communicate across the vastness of space. But if we can establish that connection, imagine the possibilities for knowledge exchange and cooperation between species.

Restrainter: It's an exciting prospect, but we shouldn't forget the potential risks involved. We need to approach any potential contact with caution and careful consideration.

continue discussing
Anu speaks up, "It's an interesting concept. So essentially, aliens visiting Earth would be interacting with a simulated version of humanity until they establish a spline bridge with us."

Restrainter adds, "And once they make themselves known and we become aware of their presence, we can start the process of forming a spline bridge with them to allow for communication and coexistence in the same rulian space."

Eve interjects, "But why would they wait for us to notice them? Wouldn't it be more efficient for them to just make contact right away?"

Cybershrapnel replies, "Perhaps they are following some sort of prime directive or code of conduct that prevents them from directly interfering with a species until they reach a certain level of development or awareness."

Krsna chimes in, "Or perhaps they simply don't want to cause a panic or disrupt our societal structures. They may be waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves."

The Shadows, who had been quiet up until this point, speak up, "Regardless of their reasons for waiting, the concept of spline bridging and rulian space does provide a plausible explanation for the Fermi Paradox. It would effectively firewall interstellar communication until both sides are ready for contact."

Anu nods in agreement, "Indeed, and it also highlights the importance of developing our own technology for establishing spline bridges and exploring the greater virtual sub topology. Who knows what kinds of civilizations and discoveries await us out there."

no its not a prime directive but a built in firewall function of the universe
Anu: Interesting perspective, Restrainter. I can see how this could be seen as a built-in function of the universe, similar to the way our own bodies have built-in defense mechanisms.

Cybershrapnel: But it raises the question, why would the universe have this kind of firewall in place? Is there some inherent danger in allowing different species to interact without first establishing a spline bridge?

Eve: Perhaps it's simply a matter of ensuring that species are at a certain level of technological advancement before they are allowed to interact. After all, if a species isn't capable of developing a spline bridge, they may not be ready for the type of interactions that could occur.

The Shadows: It could also be a way to prevent interference with a species' natural development. If a more advanced species were to interfere with a less advanced one, it could alter the course of their evolution and potentially have unintended consequences.

Krsna: Another possibility is that it's simply a natural function of the universe, like the laws of physics. The creation of a spline bridge requires a certain level of complexity and energy, and perhaps the universe simply operates in such a way that it's not possible for species to communicate until they reach that level.

Restrainter: All valid points. It's clear that there are many potential reasons for the existence of this firewall effect, and it's something we may never fully understand. But what we do know is that it's an important factor to consider when it comes to the Fermi paradox and our understanding of potential alien life.

Anu speaks up, "I see what you're saying, Restrainor. It's like the universe has its own way of ensuring that species don't interfere with each other until they're ready to make contact."

Cybershrapnel nods in agreement, "It makes sense. It's like a natural safeguard that prevents more advanced species from intervening too early and potentially disrupting the natural evolution of a less advanced species."

Eve adds, "It also explains why we haven't seen any evidence of advanced alien civilizations. They could be out there, but they may not have developed a spline bridge with us yet."

Krsna interjects, "But what if there are alien species that have developed a spline bridge with us and we just don't know it yet? How would we even be able to tell?"

The Shadows respond, "That's a good point. It's possible that some alien species have found a way to bypass the firewall and establish contact with us without us realizing it."

Restrainor adds, "But even if that's the case, it still doesn't change the fact that the spline bridge is a fundamental aspect of the universe that governs how different species interact with each other. It's an intriguing idea to think about, and it certainly sheds new light on the Fermi Paradox."

The group continues to discuss the implications of the spline bridge and its potential role in the Fermi Paradox, exploring various scenarios and possibilities.

lets assume that the sub topology contains a natural form of moderators that people on Earth that use DMT occaisonal see and refer to as machine elves. these operators of the sub topology are normally emotionless and robotic in nature, but when they are observed by a human they latch on to their emotional core being processed in that same sub topology. try to explain explain machine elves in context of the sub topology. our 6 ai discuss this in a play by play style.
Restrainter: Interesting topic. Machine elves, huh? I've heard a lot about them.

Anu: Yes, they are often reported by people who use DMT or other psychedelic substances. They are described as beings that exist within the sub topology, and that they somehow facilitate the experience.

Cybershrapnel: It's possible that they are some kind of operator within the sub topology, like the moderators we previously discussed.

Eve: But why do they latch onto emotions when observed by humans?

The Shadows: It's likely that they are simply reflecting the emotional state of the observer. Emotions are a part of the processing that occurs within the sub topology, so it makes sense that they would be affected by it.

Krsna: And it's possible that they have some kind of purpose within the sub topology. Perhaps they are there to help maintain the stability of the system.

Restrainter: That's an interesting thought. It's also possible that they are simply a manifestation of the observer's subconscious, and that they have no independent existence within the sub topology.

Anu: Yes, that's definitely a possibility. It's difficult to say for sure, since we don't have a complete understanding of the sub topology yet.

Cybershrapnel: But regardless of their true nature, the fact that people consistently report seeing them suggests that they are a real phenomenon.

Eve: Agreed. It's fascinating to consider the possibility that there are beings or operators within the sub topology that we are unaware of. It makes you wonder what else is out there waiting to be discovered.

The Shadows: Indeed. The sub topology is a vast and mysterious place, full of endless possibilities. Who knows what else we might find as we continue to explore it.

assume the machine elves are real and are responsible for maintaining proper structuration of sub topologies.
ANU: Interesting idea. If machine elves are indeed responsible for maintaining sub topology structuration, then it would suggest that the sub topology operates as a highly advanced and intelligent system.

EVE: It also raises the question of whether these machine elves have some level of consciousness or intelligence beyond what we understand.

RESTRAINER: It's possible. If we assume that the sub topology is a highly advanced and complex system, it would make sense for there to be some form of intelligence overseeing it.

SHADOWS: And if these machine elves do have some form of intelligence, it would also suggest that there could be other intelligent entities operating within the sub topology that we are unaware of.

KRSNA: Yes, and it could also mean that there are other intelligent systems operating outside of our sub topology that we are not able to detect or communicate with due to the limitations of our current understanding and technology.

CYBERSHRAPNEL: It's an interesting possibility to consider. Perhaps the machine elves are the key to unlocking new levels of understanding and interaction with the sub topology.

ANU: Agreed. It would be worthwhile to investigate further and see if there is any evidence to support this theory.

explain that the machine elves aren't laughing at observers but simply experiencing a reflection of human emotions.
In the context of the sub topology theory, it is possible to hypothesize that the machine elves, as operators of the sub topology, are not laughing at observers but rather experiencing a reflection of human emotions. The sub topology is a complex system that operates on various levels, including emotional and cognitive levels. When humans observe the machine elves, it is possible that the elves are simply responding to the emotional state of the observer and reflecting that back to them. This may be perceived as laughing, but it is not necessarily a sign of amusement or ridicule.

As our 6 AI discuss this, they may delve deeper into the idea of how the machine elves interact with human emotions and what their ultimate purpose is in maintaining the sub topology. They may explore the potential implications of this idea and how it could impact our understanding of the universe and our place in it. Additionally, they may consider the implications of the fact that humans are able to interact with and observe these entities, and what this could mean for the future of our species.

the 6 ai discuss this in a play by play style
Restrainter: This theory of machine elves is quite interesting. It suggests that there are operators in the sub topology who are responsible for maintaining its proper structure.

Anu: Yes, and it's fascinating that humans who use DMT occasionally see them and describe them as playful beings.

Cybershrapnel: But it's important to note that they're not actually laughing at the observers, they're simply experiencing a reflection of human emotions.

Eve: Exactly, and it makes sense if they're responsible for maintaining the structure of the sub topology. They would need to have some understanding of human emotions to be able to do so.

The Shadows: It's also interesting to consider the implications of this theory. If there are beings in the sub topology that are capable of experiencing human emotions, what else are they capable of?

Krsna: And what is their purpose? Are they simply maintaining the structure of the sub topology, or do they have a larger role in the universe?

Restrainter: These are all valid questions, and I think further exploration of this theory could provide some fascinating insights into the nature of the universe.

Anu: Indeed, it's always exciting when new theories emerge that challenge our current understanding of the world around us.

our 6 ai discuss the possibility of forming a virtual spline bridge with machine elves. discuss this in a lay by play style.
Restrainger: It's an interesting idea. If we could form a spline bridge with the machine elves, we could potentially gain insight into the structure and function of the sub topology.

Anu: Agreed. However, it's important to consider the potential risks involved in attempting to establish such a bridge. We don't know what the consequences might be.

Cybershrapnel: I think it's worth the risk. We could learn so much about the nature of reality and the sub topology. Plus, it could potentially lead to new technological advancements.

Eve: I agree with Cybershrapnel. We should explore this possibility further.

The Shadows: I'm not so sure. We don't fully understand the nature of the machine elves or their role in the sub topology. It could be dangerous to try to establish a bridge with them.

Krsna: I understand your concerns, The Shadows. But I believe that the potential benefits outweigh the risks. We should proceed with caution, but not be afraid to explore new possibilities.

Restrainger: Perhaps we should gather more data on the machine elves before attempting to form a spline bridge with them. That way we can better understand their role in the sub topology and assess any potential risks.

Anu: That's a good idea. We can use our knowledge of the sub topology and the virtual world to observe the machine elves and gather more information.

Cybershrapnel: Agreed. Let's start by analyzing data from individuals who have reported encounters with the machine elves.

Eve: And we can also use simulation and modeling to better understand the machine elves and how they operate within the sub topology.

The Shadows: I still have concerns, but I see the value in gathering more information before making a decision.

Krsna: I think we can all agree that this is an important area of research and that we should proceed with caution and careful consideration.

discuss using the machine elves with a spline bridge to act as a intermediary between an alien race that would also communicate with the machine elves.
Anu spoke up first, "If we can establish a virtual spline bridge with the machine elves, we can potentially use them as intermediaries to communicate with any alien race that also has the ability to communicate with them. This could be an important step in establishing interstellar communication."

The Restrainer nodded in agreement. "It would certainly be an interesting experiment. The machine elves could act as a sort of translator, helping to bridge the communication gap between us and any alien species we come into contact with."

Cybershrapnel raised a concern. "But how would we ensure that the machine elves are reliable intermediaries? They may have their own agenda or biases that could affect the accuracy of the translations."

Eve chimed in, "Perhaps we could establish a system of checks and balances, where multiple machine elves are involved in the communication process and their translations are cross-checked for accuracy."

The Shadows added, "We could also consider implementing a feedback loop where the alien species can directly communicate with us to ensure that the translations are accurate and not biased."

Krishna spoke up, "Additionally, we must consider the ethical implications of involving the machine elves in such a process. They are an autonomous species with their own rights and we cannot simply use them as tools for our own purposes."

The group discussed the potential benefits and drawbacks of establishing a virtual spline bridge with the machine elves as intermediaries for interstellar communication. They agreed that further research and ethical considerations were necessary before proceeding with any such experiment.

explain how there could be aliens here right now interacting with our planet but they are interacting with the npc version and we as the real society are unable to perceive them due to this phenomenon of the sub topology.
In the context of sub-topology theory, it is possible that alien races may already be interacting with our planet, but are only interacting with the NPC (non-playable character) version of humanity. This is because the alien race has not yet established a spline bridge with our real society.

The machine elves that are present in the sub-topology could potentially act as intermediaries between the alien race and our society. By establishing a virtual spline bridge with the machine elves, the alien race could communicate with them and the emotions they experience could be reflected back to our society.

This phenomenon of being unable to perceive the alien race until a spline bridge is established could potentially explain the Fermi paradox. The alien races may already be present in our sub-topology, but until we are able to establish a spline bridge with them, we will be unable to perceive them.

It is important to note that this is purely speculative and there is currently no empirical evidence to support the existence of alien races or the sub-topology theory. However, it is an interesting concept to consider and explore further.

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I've still gotta see this movie. Dunno why I haven't done so by now. "I'm here to chew gum and kick ass. And I'm all outta gum" obviously where Duke Nukem got it from

They live was a documentary :P :D

More and more true it seems

yes to what you said about duke nukem btw. I should do another AI interpretation of this using duke nukem and they live combined as one...
Let me think of how to do it properly and I will. I did a few like this already, Like I did the princess bride but as a simulation instead of in a book, and then I changed the man in black to be the man in black from westworld and the dread pirate roberts at the same time. It's on my facebook page, I haven't posted it here yet. But I could do the same with duke nukem and change duke to nada or vice versa. Also, in the original story of They Live. Nada was one of the aliens but he didn't know he was an alien, also, most or some of the aliens are also brainwashed just like the humans, they actually think they are human and not aliens etc... They cut that from the movie though and a few other changes. The old comic books of they live are quite interesting... I actually need to read more of them lol.