Sky News reports that Ridley Scott, the director of the Alien series and the new movie "Alien: Covenant" soon to be released believes that aliens exist and they are coming for us!
He said: "I believe in superior beings. I think it is certainly likely.
"An expert I was talking to at NASA said to me 'have you ever looked in the sky at night? You mean to tell me we are it?' That's ridiculous.
"The experts have now put a number on it having assessed what is out there. They say that there are between 100 and 200 entities that could be having a similar evolution to us right now.
"So when you see a big thing in the sky, run for it. Because they are a lot smarter than we are, and if you are stupid enough to challenge them you will be taken out in three seconds."
In an odd turn of events coming from someone in Hollywood Scott, who revels in scaring people in his movies says nothing scares him! Why? Because he carries a 9mm pistol!
While he spreads the globalists propaganda with his movies it's funny to hear he is an advocate for self defense? That's typical in the liberal stronghold though. Tell everyone what they should do but they sit in their ivory towers doing the exact opposite.
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