"A UFO alien — and not just an alien but an alien "high priest" — was hidden by legendary artist Leonardo Da Vinci deep within his iconic masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, a new video by the Paranormal Crucible blog site claims."
"Christ Michael is using the “grey form” at this time, for exactly this reason."
"Eventually Crowley succeeded in making contact with the alien figure in his remarkable drawing, which has a strong resemblance to contemporary descriptions of the alien contacts known as the grays."
"CM returned to this planet in 1954"
"Authors Tom Horn and Cris Putnam (who previously correctly predicted that Benedict XVI would resign as Pope, which was unheard of), reveal Vatican's unusual fixation on the search for extraterrestrial life and secret preparations for the arrival of a cosmic savior."
"Interestingly, Pope Francis and the Vatican are not only expecting an alien savior to arrive shortly from some place outside of Earth, but are actually preparing for his arrival and getting ready to renounce the one that they claim to follow! Is it just me, or is that the most bizarre thing that you've ever heard?
For centuries, the Vatican has been searching for extraterrestrial life, with the most powerful telescopes in the world, and acquiring information such as manuscript evidence and possibly relics, which may link the aliens with Earth history. The Vatican is now preparing and monitoring the approaching alien savior with the most powerful telescope in the world - the "L.U.C.I.F.E.R." telescope."
"The very first Bilderberg meeting in May 1954 was set up with all these considerations in mind. Most importantly, however, was the fact that the first Bilderberg meeting occurred soon after another major event that is yet to be disclosed to the public. That is President Eisenhower’s alleged meeting with a delegation of extraterrestrials at Edwards Air Force base in February 1954."
"The main task of the Bilderberg Group was to coordinate the developed nations of the world so that any information gained by any nation pertaining to extraterrestrial life and technology was to be sent to the right place for research and development. A highly secretive second Manhattan project that had begun in the United States under President Truman to deal with the extraterrestrial presence was expanded to include other nations in a globally coordinated effort."
Vatican: “Our Christ, an alien from space”
"The Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) is Urantia’s key organization"