THE JOURNEY TO ETERNITYsteemCreated with Sketch.

in alin •  4 years ago  (edited)



      This is the first stage of the hereafter:a pit of fire of fire for the hypocrite and disbelievers and a garden for the believers. We come to know through various narrations that mention the punishment of the grave  for various acts of disobedience .From  them are not cleansing oneself from urine , intentionally sleeping through out the obligatory prayers  , abandoning the Quran ,   practising fornication and adultery , homosexuality , interests and usury, with holding payment of debts and other sins .

Salvation from this punishment can be archived by performing good deeds done sincerely for Allah from his punishment , by reciting " suratul MULK" and other deeds .Those who are protected from this punishment and will not face it include martyrs , those who died in guard duty , those who died on the day FRIDAY(Al JUMU'A) , those who died in child birth and others .


      This is an immense horn that will be blown by the angel Israfeel who awaits the command .The first is called the blowing of the shock: ALLAH(S.W.T) said "The day the trumpet will be blown and everything in heavens and on earth will be soon as shocked   except those with whom ALLAH wills to exempt"[27:87], and every thing will be destroyed.      Then after forty years , it will be blown again , the blowing of ressurection , as ALLAH (S.W.T)  said : " and it will be blown again ,  and they will be standing , looking "[39:68]


Allah will send a down pour of rain and the bodies will sprout (from the tail bone) , and they will be a new creation , one which will not die . They will be resurrected uncircumcised and naked . They will be able to see the angles and the jinn , and they will be resurrected according to their deeds.


      Allah will gather all creatures  for their account . They will be in shock , in stupor like people intoxicated , for a colossal day  , the length of which will be fifty thousand years .Their time will be seen as if it were no longer  than a mere hour ( just like the way we are n real life when will look back in the days ). The sun will draw  near a mile away , and each will perspire according to their deeds . The tyrants as well as  the weak who followed them will fall into dispute .Each  disbeliever will argue with his patron devil, satan, and even his own limbs , and each will curse the other . The unjust wrong doers will bite their hands (in remorse). The hell fire will be dragged before them by 70 thousand latches , each latch held by 70 thousand angels . When the disbelievers   see the hell fire , they would wish that they would ransom themselves  from the punishment or that they could be turned to dust(to escape the coming torture ). The  disobedient of the disbelievers  will be punished .For instance , the one who refused to pay obligatory charity (zakat) will have the money he refused to spend brand on him like iron rods .The arrogant will be resurrected like ants .The treacherous traitor  , the embezzler and the robber will be exposed. The thief will come with what he stole [for all to see ]. In short , all things hidden will be brought out clearly into open . As for the righteous , this day will not frighten them, and it will pass like their performance of zuhr prayers.
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#onepercent #india #affable

Are you a muslim. Lets be friends brother. Thanks a lot

Thank you very much brother.

please try to complete buts it's also great man . May Allah reward you . GREAT

Thanks may Allah reward you too brother .