Little confused by the Steem Market (ENG-NL)

in allducth •  7 years ago  (edited)


Expected results

I have spent more than a few hours staring at different crypto trading sites, and they all work the same.

  • There are buy orders, there are sell orders. Buy orders sorted from high to low, sell orders from low to high.
  • The Trade history shows filled orders and they reflect the action and rates of the order listings.

When there is a spike (low or high) in the rate you see a large number of sell or buy orders being filled right up to the rate of the spike.

Actual results

The above doesn't seem to apply to the Steem market, so it seems.
While current rate is 0,94-ish, all of a sudden the Trade history will show an order rate like 1,0000 or 0,6667. These spikes are not reflected in the order listings in any way. Where do these orders come from?


Verwacht beeld

Ik heb in de afgelopen tijd aardig wat uren zitten staren naar verschillende crypto trading sites, en ze lijken allemaal hetzelfde te werken.

  • Je hebt koop orders, je hebt verkoop orders. De één is gestorteerd van hoog naar laag, de ander van laag naar hoog.
  • De order geschiedenis geeft een overzicht van de reeds uitgevoerde aan/verkopen. Dit overzicht loopt synchroon met de verschuivingen in de orderlijsten.

Wanneer er een piek (hoog of laag) in de koers plaatsvindt, zie je dat in één van de orderlijsten een groot aantal orders in één keer wordt uitgevoerd, precies tot aan de koers van de piek.

Waargenomen beeld

Bovenstaande lijkt voor de Steem market niet op te gaan. Met een huidge koers van ongeveer 0,94 verschijnen er in de order geschiedenis orders met een koers van 1,0000 en 0,6667 zonder dat eenzelfde beweging is te zien in de orderlijsten. Waar komen deze orders vandaan?

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In my opinion these orders are place automatically.
They try to get some coins at a lower price.
And try to sell them at a spike...

Or am I completely wrong?

I don't know how that is possible. It happens a lot, for sell and buy orders, which makes it even weirder.

When I place a buy order for rate 1,00 while current rate is 0,94 then it is a stupid buy but it makes sense it goes right through.
When I place a sell order for rate 1,00 while current rate is 0,95, I am not so sure how that would sell without working its way through the orders between 0,95 and 1,00 first. The amount is only 0.001 btw.

Could be missing something though :)

On of the things that you will have different with steemit, is that you also have a group of people making transactions regarding to their active status.

So for instance, when I feel like powering up I most likely will not buy steem at the best buy order. And just choose a random number for powering up. Same with selling, when youve wrote a certain amount of steem of sbd and then sell it.

I dont know, it might be an explantion??

Dont follow everyones by and sell orders. Follow coinmarketcap and buy the dips. Now is a good dip for buying almost everything!

It is more that things are very had to track right now. Take a look at the chart of Steem/SBD here (click short term in the upper right corner).

It is obvious between 7 and 8 this morning the rate went below 0,90 several times. Unfortunately my 0,90 order has not been filled.