"Hillary (Crooked Hillary) Diane Rodham Clinton"
"Donald (The Donald) John Trump"
"The “Alliance” is the House of the Black Sun modeled after Hitler’s Alliance (which was their creation) Thule Society, Nazi Party, etc. were their creation."
"arms and legs within the Military and the Agencies world wide"
"Hail the Imperial Germans! Heil Hitler!
Neu-Schwabenland NSDAP Thule Wehrmacht (Armed Force) Vril
"The Reich is now, ironically, like the Jews before 1948, a racial, monetary and ideological network ” with feared agents everywhere, but a country nowhere ” so it is still quite handicapped."
"Others are in underwater bases. What they lack is a country. They have only bases in isolated areas, and grow food underground with special technology and lighting"
"Back in 2018 US Special Forces began training on how to rescue children and destroy tunnels in an extensive series of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) that circled the globe."
"children who had been pulled out of underground tunnels across the nation by the US Military and Marines"
"Right now there were 20,000 U.S troops in Germany and 25,000 troops in Hungary who had rescued over a million children from and cleaned out a series of DUMBs"
"this planet is under 4th Reich jurisdiction. This organization has dominated the public, private and govt domains."
"Bilderberg Group – a covert global takeover spearheaded by breakaway Nazi/German groups who allied themselves with extraterrestrials during the Second World War.
To begin unraveling the Bilderberg mystery, a good place to start is with the dominant belief by many current protestors and critics that the Bilderberg meeting is a forum where world policies are secretly decided, and implemented. High among these policies is the creation of a One World Government and Central Bank dominated by corporate cartels"
"A secret cabal is taking over the world. They kidnap children"
"Bilderberg was founded by Nazis with the CIA and British intelligence at the end of World War II with a plan to take over the world."
"Of what is to come in the next few years, the continuation of World War II, which never ended but rather was paused."
"The Nazi regime kidnapped hundreds of Polish children to raise them as sons and daughters of the Third Reich"
"approximately 200,000 Polish children who were stolen by the Nazis between 1939 and 1944 and sent back to Germany to be “Germanized.”"
"MILAB is a term coined for the military abduction of a person that indoctrinates and trains them for any number of military black ops programs."
"These scientists established a secret order and brought hundreds of Ex Nazi's into the US goverment. They are one of the most powerful groups in the world,."
"This army would be led by a messianic figure, the so called Jesus Christ figure or Third Sargon from the Sajahan Prophecies.
"POTUS is our savior."
"“Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover."
"QAnon’s 1st post says: “HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run."
"Hillary Clinton would also have SAP level programs on her server, which if made public, would cause foreign war declarations."
"There is enough evidence for Hillary and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is. "
"NYPD was the first one to look at that laptop. Weiner and Huma Abedin, his wife – the closest adviser of Hillary Clinton for 20 years – have both flipped. They are cooperating with the government."
"“There is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails they’ve seen of that 650,000, including money laundering, underage sex, pay-for-play, and, of course, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling, sending/receiving of classified information, up to SAP level Special Access Programs.
“So the plot thickens. NYPD was pushing because, as an article quoted one of the chiefs – that’s the level just below commissioner – he said as a parent, as a father with daughters, he could not let that level of evil continue."
"The Chicago Sun Times reports that Donald Trump has once again suggested there will be no special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton, calling her and Bill Clinton “good people”"
"Donald Trump talked about the Clintons on 60 Minutes, saying: “I don’t want to hurt them. They’re good people.”"