Allodium Blockchain Report #39

in allodium •  7 years ago 

Development of Allodium at OG Found∆tion continued in the last week with progress on the gatetower and grounds. We encased the dome for the gatetower in at least one coat of mortar and continued packing out the tires.

W39 Gatetower out.jpg

W39 Gatetower top.jpg
From one arch to the next

W39 Gatetower front.jpg
View from the gatetower's private patio

W39 blowhole.jpg
A view around the 'blowhole' before it got mortared. The blowhole helps with ventilation, exhausting heat from the top of the tallest part of the dome.

W39 Gatetower in.jpg
Another view inside. The square hole is for a chimney pipe.

We have also been working on the grounds, creating this arched path and garden section. Here's a couple before and after pics of this.

Before 1
W39 arch before.jpg

After 1
W39 arch after.jpg

Before 2
W39 path before.jpg

After 2
W39 path after.jpg

In Block #39, a total of 1386 Appreciation Tokens (@) were generated; 266@ were generated by the daily appreciation of 38 members, 210@ were generated by 21 OG Creds (Ø), and 910@ were generated by 91 hours of labor exhausted for the Cooperative, bringing the total to 32,060@.

Block 39.png

There are currently 38 members of the Allodium Cooperative. The updated Member Tree can be viewed here:

Allodium Appreciation Tokens are trading live on the Waves Decentralized Exchange under ticker "Allodium AT". Allodium AT are currently exchangeable for .045 Waves, giving Appreciation Tokens a valuation of $.12/@.

Fore more information, visit

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