Two windows have been cut out of the pink-panther firmament to let the light shine through!
The walls under the windows on the inside are almost ready for a finish coat.
The view from the outside:
Not much mortar was added in the last week due to wet weather.
The mortar that was applied was mostly applied on the top-side of the structure and inside the parapet wall; I couldn't capture it in a picture though.
The week ahead looks wet as well, so mortar will likely be delayed again.
In the meantime, there's some dirt and stone work to do inside the Entry Hall and more insulation panels to add to extend the parapet wall.
There have been more losses in the last week...
Two hens who were closest to Cupid (1 being his mom) disappeared at the same time early in the week, shortly after Cupid's death.
It is possible they got eaten by something, but absent signs of struggle, it seems more likely that they set out into the wilderness in search of Cupid, or unwilling to carry on without him...
The chicken flock is now down to 6 hens, 1 rooster, and 2 young chickens.
On the 5th (yesterday), I (Naan) hosted a memorial for my dad, here at OG Foundation.
It was a blessed day, full of healing.
My grandmother happened to have just received a clutch of unwanted hens, and she offered to give them to me!
Soon, there will be a handful of new creatures to welcome home and also a greater abundance of eggs!
A bit of progress was also made on Allodium's website,, including drafting a whitepaper for the Allodium Protocol. Both website and whitepaper are incomplete, but improved.
In Block #195, ending 7/5/2021, a total of 2484@ (Appreciation Tokens) were generated; 364@ were generated by the daily appreciation of 52 members, 250@ were generated by 25 hours of labor exhausted for the Cooperative, and 1870@ were generated by 187 OG Creds (Ø); bringing the total to 299,499@.
There are currently 52 members of Allodium, 10 of whom have Affirmed their Sovereignty, and 6 of those whom have at least 1 OG Cred; along with 3 Dangling Branches. The updated Member Tree can be viewed here:
Shades of blue circles represent stakeholders with OG Creds (Ø); Affirmed Sovereign members who have affirmed the Affirmation of Truth, Rights, and Responsibility (found here; and members of the Allodium Exchange. At the hub, in green, is the original Allodial Foundation (OG∆). Red circles represent Dangling Branches which have frozen accounts and 52-week periods to root with a sponsor.
Allodium Appreciation Tokens are trading live on the Waves Exchange under ticker "Allodium AT". Allodium AT are most recently valued at .02 WAVES, giving Appreciation Tokens a $ valuation of about $.26/@, and an overall @ market cap $ valuation of $78,335.
The Telegram announcement channel for Allodium, which includes the ability to comment on posts, is linked here:
To contact Naan directly, message via
The online domain of Allodium (under construction, like everything else) resides at
Until next Tuesday, that is all!