Amazing benefits of aloe vera!

in aloevera •  6 years ago 

Here are some useful tips for you.

Facing dandruff problems?
Mix natural aloe vera gel with conditioner. Apply it, let it stay for around 15-20 mins. Rinse it off.

Facing sun burn?
Mix some water and gel and freeze it. Apply the gel ice cube on the burned area. You are good to go.

Need your skin good?
Make an aloe vera paste and dip a tissue cutting little spaces for eyes and nose. Dip the tissue into aloe vera gel and let it sit for some minutes. It traets acne.

No shaving cream?
Apply aloe vera gel amd shave.

Need glowing skin?
Take rice flour and a piece of aloe vera gel. Dab the peice into rice flour. Scrub.

Dry skin?
Mix aloe vera gel with honey. Apply. Rinse it off.

In case of natural aloe vera is not present, you can use the aloe vera gel which is available in the market. Hope you will like it 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

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Aloevera is great natural remedy. Keep on sharing such healthy tips!