Alphabet Art Day 5: "Enemy" - A Poem

in alphabetartchallenge •  7 years ago 


Nobody but me
Can stand in my way
My worst enemy
Is wearing my own face
Judging me through the mirror
Pointing out every error
Quick to misdirect
When thoughts
Threaten to get clearer
Doling out condemnation
Without hesitation
But nobody but me
But me
And I
And I
and me
Can accept myself enough
To hush
That enemy
Finally and completely

I made it to the fifth day. I should be able to switch back to drawings tomorrow but for all I know I'll write a song or do an interpretive dance. It's unlikely but not impossible. Anyway, you can find the rules of the challenge here. Apparently I used the wrong first tag for my first few challenge posts (oops), so don't be like me, read those rules carefully!

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