Hang on to your hat!

in alt •  8 years ago 

We are about to have a huge altcoin rally...
People have been forced to make certain moves the last two weeks for many reasons, and they are now going to get back to business.

Buy high quality alt coins on sale now!!!!

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Awesome! I will!

Sounds great! Good time to buy!

Yes man i will buy ltc dash eth antshares and stratis i only have 0.5 btc but i have to buy somethings :)

the next days will be definitely interesting - I expect big ups and downs on daily base

Alt coin has a huge potential!

i think altcoin will go down

Feels like sale days are everyday 🔝

I am ready for the rally!

Alt coin will go up no doubt!

Yep they are and i wil buy (if i have the money)

Hanging on to my hat! :)

Sale is what I like to hear


Good idea! Altcoin will go up!

Let's do this !

Good idea to buy alt coins now !

I will buy alt coins. Thanks.

BTC/BCC dump and altcoins are going to go to the moon.
Get your space suits on.
The only place we are going is up! haha

Yeah let's do this!

This is good news! I will!

Sale sounds good :)

They are on sale! Awesome, thanks!

Its definitely a good time to buy them!

Perfect time to buy

Already heh! :d

Look at the dollar; it's sinking, and the wealth has to go somewhere, looks like it's alt coins.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yeah buy now and hold it :)

Perfect time to buy now :D
A chance for me to gain some profits

If the new millionaires, will be the ones who take the best option

Altcoin sale sounds terrific!

i hope alt coin now speed up their pace as i have some hahaha

Time to purchase it and forget about it :)

time to Hodl

Which alt coin will be the best?

Sound's cool and perfect time now.

Buy altcoins and hold for some years for huge profits. can you suggest some altcoins?

I did my friend, I did :D

Great post @davidp

Perfect time to buy! Thanks!

Agreed. Hodl. Hodl everybody. :D

Definitely the best advice! I just bought some! Thanks you for your advice!

Hello my dear friend
I liked your account
I follow you
Good luck

Perfect time to buy yeahh