What to Look For in the NEW Social Media...

in alt2fb •  6 years ago 

What a time this is for anyone involved with social media. And that's just about all of us, isn't it, at some level?

Even if you're someone cutting loose and deleting or deserting a platform, and the friends who you once connected with there, you're still taking a position. There's no escape from this phenomenon and its impact on our collective human development. It's like choosing not to have a car, but still getting asthma when you're in the city.

For those sticking with it, but looking for alternatives and options, I hope I'm helping you sort the wheat from the chaff - whether it's a gluten-free specialist network you're seeking, or a new home for your bird-watching group.


So far, I've looked at MeWe, Vero, Mastodon and The Full Circle Project (with review articles available on Steemit and podcasts on Spreaker) and it's clear that it's a real 'apples and oranges' situation. All the aforementioned are social networks, yet they are all different in their aims and operation.

It's really not an easy call if you're looking to make a quick and clean jump from the 'daddy' - paternalistic and centralised Facebook - to another platform with similar features yet more trust and safety. My advice is to not simply look for a close-enough alternative, but take this watershed moment in the evolution of social media, to reconsider your needs when it comes to connecting, networking and sharing online.

Save time and energy by choosing wisely and at your leisure.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What level of safety and security am I looking for?
  • What sort of connections do I want? Somewhere to keep up with close family and friends or somewhere to promote my business?
  • What am I sharing? Quick blasts of information and opinion, or precious moments and memories?
  • Am I willing to pay for a better service? Do I believe 'FREE' means free anymore?
  • What quality of interaction do I want? Good ego-based rows with trolls or heart-felt connection and understanding?
  • Do I want to be paid for my time online?!

Despite the overwhelming breach of trust that many are feeling, the good news is that many of the distinctions and requirements listed above, can be found in the next generation. As Facebook has grown to 'serve' over 2 billion users, technology people (and other social commentators) have seen where it might be going and started working on alternatives, some many years ago.

So far, we've gone the way of centralised corporations (like many other areas of our lives) who've inevitably - within the current economic context of the Western world - given us what THEY want us to have, and used our information to boost their profits. That has been the deal.


On a lighter and more inspiring note, I'm now certain the technology exists to modify that. Transformation is at hand, but it is OUR will that need be more present in the mix, to bring the change we want to see. We can't just hope, as mere child-like consumers, for better toys from the virtual 'parents'.

Many networks ARE coming to light that aim to give us back our online lives and treat us like grown-ups, like those I'm finding and sharing with you. I'm certain, having scratched the surface, that we are moving towards more equitable and fairer memberships; subscriptions that respect and value us and our data. But I feel strongly that WE also need to step up and influence the tools coming our way.

Passive consumerism will bring change; participation and collaboration with bring transformation.

At OurNet, where I'm Community Builder, we're committed to the principles that will offer true transformation. We're looking to create what I call a 'common sense community network'. One that offers 'win-win-novation'; built to bring about a 'world that works', built on principles like these (which I urge you to consider in any network that you are considering):

  • Decentralisation - open source, open space and peer-to-peer vibes that re-humanise the virtual environment
  • Peer Refinement - more sophisticated rating and ranking systems that edify and converge, rather than divide
  • From 'i-centricity' to 'we'-centricity'; from ego to WE-go!
  • Reward - a longer-term and somewhat idealistic premise, but payment for creation and contribution WILL come

['Peer Refinement' or a Battle of Egos? It's up to us!]

In my research, as well as with my input at OurNet, I'm seeing that people do want to get together, for the greater good. More are understanding that 'good' is subjective, something to be discovered, together.

I believe people do want a world that works, because it's becoming clearer that we have all we need, even if it's not in the right place, right now.

We are beginning to accept that 'truth' is different for different people, and that 'trust' is a greater basis for communication and community than the ruthless imposition of what people believe to be 'true'.

I'm finding more platforms where people are beavering away to make this manifest. And at OurNet' we're getting busy with it too.

Do let me know about any new networks that you think I may have misssed. And do stay in touch with us at OurNet and all the lovely people who've told us they want a world that works...


My predictions for Facebook can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/barefootbroadcaster/videos/10156903486003132/

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