Hello all,
I am new into cryptocurrency world.
I would like :
1- to present you my way of entering it.
2- to exchange about how you did when you first arrive and what you would have changed.
Objective : build another future article about it to help new comers.
Why I entered ?
1 - more and more people are being curious about it so they may invest too.
2 - bank begin to take it seriously.
3 - money in the bank is making nearly nothing.
4 - wanted to learn the possibility that is offering the technology.
My strategy to enter it.
- I chose to invest X euros that i can loose.
- I chose to invest this X euros in 5 different round from now until the end of january.
- I read a lot about all the cryptocurrency and tokens and I decided to invest for now only in top valuation cryptocurrency in which i believe (in order of importance) : Neo - Etherum - Dash - Monero - Ripple - Bitcoin.
- I chose to let tokens for later as it seems to contain lots of scam projects.
What do you think about this strategy ?