Lescoin – The primary cryptocurrency protected by wood stock

in altcoinalerts •  7 years ago 


Lescoin is the Decentralized independent association occupied in logging, wood processing, and worldwide timber trade that permit its contestants to obtain payment from the timber venture in Russia. Wood-and-timber deal will offer the shareholders with steady incomes as the requirements from the purchasers – first and foremost, the furniture factories of China – is continuously rising. Increased a strong spirited benefit by bringing in this biotechnology in Russia due to transgenic seeds with only one of its kind parameters of expansion and flexibility to the type of weather circumstances.

DAO is an investment fund supported by Ethereum, which will permit members to obtain bonuses from logging in Russia. The delivery of timber and sawn wood will make sure constant earnings for depositors, as the requirement from the purchaser, and this is chiefly the furniture industrial unit of China, is continually rising. It turns out that the Lescoin token is confined by wood substance.

The purpose of this development is to:

To create an attention for international investment to the successful forest trade in Russia
To attain management in the market with the assist of the associates who have been occupied in the international wood deal and sawn timber for extra 10 years.
To enlarge bonuses through development — by land increasing in the Russian Far East
To raise dividends through diversification — by setting up latest woodworking services
To keep the benefits of depositors through a smart deal on Ethereum
To profit from full-cycle timber manufacture by putting into practice reforestation technology.
It is certainly focused on high proceeds, but not overlooking about environmental laws. The green mass of the world will be conserved due to the expertise of forest restoration.

Profit established from Lescoin

The depositors obtain:
• support by wood — tokens;
• dividends allocated semi-annually;
• constant profits;
• the security of the owner’s secrets in the profitable market;
• enhance income when modernizing production.

Lescoin attains high productivity by using the present technologies of logging and reforestation. At plantations, the transgenic (TG) seeds of coniferous trees completed by the business’s leader — Monsanto Biocorp (USA). The seeds have only one of its kind parameters of increase and compliance to the typical weather situation.


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