Another favorite of mine that I just learned about over the past weekend is SMART. A coin that can be mined, staked, and earned through socializing with others. The majority of the coins are devoted to be earn through social networking. Users interact and collaborate ideas to advance and advertise the coin to earn more of it. SMART creators developed a process named smarthive where people of all walks of life can come together to vote on diecisions and make collebrations to better SMART.
SMART currently ranks ~184th in market cap and is worth ~680 satoshi. Coin launched the past July 2017 and has been steadily gaining followers. The maximum of 5 billion SMART coins to ever exist and presently close to 1 billion in circulation. The coin can be mined with the keccek algorithm, aka SHA-3. In the proof of stake mode user requires a minimum of 1000 SMARTs and held in user's wallet for 30 days before coin can earn interest. Payouts are given every 25th day of the month. (My personal goal currently is to get to 1000 SMARTs).