Edit: I love it here so much, I decided to write something about Steemit just now. You're free to take a look here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/57d0db74e4b0eb9a57b79de2?
Hey folks, it's my first day putting my experience in writing to good use in the crypto world. As an Internet marketer I have publishing access on certain high ranking news sites. I'm looking to build out my contributions over the next few years, to grow my experience as a crypto author. This is an industry worth betting on for the long term (and I mean 50+ years), if it becomes a natural part of the world's processes throughout the century then it's the wave to financial freedom for me.
With that said, it's a long hike from ground zero and its now time to really get disciplined and start committing myself to the game. Starting off, I'm just saying 'hey' and giving you guys a general introduction. I'll try to post as often as possible, more often as Steem It grows but I still have to build experience elsewhere. If CoinDesk ever becomes Forbes level, why not be a top draft pick for their elite team?
Anywho, I'll leave you guys with a link to the post I made on Huffington earlier today.
I'll be covering crypto related topics more and more on there in the near future. If anyone has suggestions for informative / helpful topics that aren't already covered by a mainstream media outlet, I am willing to hear them out.
I'll see you all around, cheers!
- Daniel