in alternative •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hey there,

A new, multi-lingual alternative media platform, which will be launched on September 11th at 9:11 CET.
We'll have all different topics about nearly everything! At one point we'll be a multi-lingual hub for nearly all different alternative media sources from Germany and the US at the beginning. Other media-platforms in German, English and Spanish language will follow soon!
At the other point we'll producing info videos, interviews and documentaries internationally.
All articles/Videos will be posted in Spanish, English and German! Thats our model in general, to provide all different NON-mainstreem-media information on a multi-lingual platform.
At the moment we are pre-producing an interview with the ex-minister-president of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus (who was one of the first who spoke about the migrant crisis in Europe)
For interviewes are also in planing: Diana Johnstone, Andreas von Bülow, John Perkins and Willy Wimmer.

Also in fall this year the only Libertarian media-platform German Liberty News Broadcasting Network (GLNBN) will be launched by our reporter Ludwig in Berlin, Germany.

Help us to kickstart this project!


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Can you put a steem(it) link on your main site for verification?

I would if it would be done yet.
But i can ask our IT guy to put the link on the "work in progress" site! (have a look:

Yes. Just a small link would be great -- even if it's on the work-in-progress page!

Alright, I wrote our IT guy, may it takes some hours, he is not that fast to reach at Fridays! ;)

Alright, surprisingly fast, its online! : )

@complexring Thanks for the up vote and support. I appreciate it and it really means a lot. Thanks again.

Not exactly a conspiracy theorist, but I'm looking forward to the alternative views you can provide.

Great to see more conspiracy minded folk turning up, will be following closely :) We need more people to venture #downtherabbithole

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  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment