20 Coconut Oil Benefits for Your Brain, Heart, Joints and More!.

in alternativemedicine •  7 years ago 

20 Coconut Oil Benefits for Your Brain, Heart, Joints and More!.jpg
Coconut oil has been known to clear up and heal urinary tract infection (UTI) and kidney infections. The MCFAs in the oil work as a natural antibiotic by disrupting the lipid coating on bacteria and killing them. Research also shows that coconut oil directly protects the liver from damage. Coconut water also helps hydrate and support the healing process. Doctors have even injected coconut water to clear up kidney stones. Coconut is a powerful superfood, which is evident given all these tremendous coconut oil benefits.


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This is good i believe it, the main stream media continues to bash coconut oil saying its not as healthy as everyone says. I dont believe them at all.