Return of the Alt Right! Attack of the RedditClone! No more "Shutting us down" how the Alt-Right banned subreddit should set up shop here on steemit and MONETIZE those MEMES!

in altright •  8 years ago 


First of all, by telling the truth about some things I am going to talk about, I will be risking EVERYTHING because people might not want to upvote me when they see my concerns! because you arent ALLOWED to ask about WTC building 7, or about radical jewish zionists , or about Obama being a homosexual and having a MAN as first lady, michelle "michael" obama , which I will start with first!

So if you do your research on this youll finds that barrack obama many times accidentally slipped up and called 'michael" you dont accidentally call your female wife "michael" . Another suspicious clue was when Michelle obama couldn't even tell a young student asking her a question at an event, which DECADE she was marred to barrack ! And seriously there arent even any photos of Michelle obama pregnant NOT A SINGLE ONE! hah! Seriously its a JOKE and the like TWO photos of barrack and michelle with young malia and malika are so badly photoshopped that its a JOKE!


Ok so for all of you who still think michelle obama is a woman, Here are some 100% REAL untampered photos of Michelle obama the tranny with her dick and balls hangin out SHOWING through her dress

Go watch the videos of her dancing on Ellen for yourself!

HAHA 6 MILLION views from The Doctor of Common Sense a BLACK man NOT afraid to tell the truth on youtube! he is one of my FAVORITE youtubers!

Oh and if you didnt already know human anatomy, a WOMAN can only make room for TWO of her own heads on her own shoulders, while a MAN can fit THREE of his own heads on his shoulder

i will upvote anything pro freedom, pro liberty, even alex jones! And Pizzagate, Wikileaks, etc, all those things DESERVE to have platforms to be heard on...neither governments nor big news organizations should ever have the power to shut down opponents, competitors, or just people they dont like....It's fascist..Obama was a fascist...the democrats are fascists...It's that simple...Bush and the 9/11 Iraq war episode was ALL bullshit, and ALL traces back to BUILDING SEVEN which was UNDENIABLE PROOF that 9/11 was an inside job and you CANt fucking deny it...wOH WHAt did TERRISTS blow up building seven?!?! was WTC 7 blownup by TERRORISTS who planted bombs in the building and ran a controlled demolition? Oh yeah sure, only a fucking moron would NOT know that 9/11 was an inside job, and only a FOOL DOESNT know about the DANCING MOSSAD ISREALIs .....That whole jewish neocon agenda project for a new american century is so fucked up....they fucked us BAD.,....and then they had the nerve to give us an indonesian guy with fake hair to make hgim look black, with a transgender wife who looks like a man in drag 9because muchelle obama IS a man, look at her ANATOMY look at her FINGERS and SHOULDERS compared to ACTUAL female anatomy! I am NOT racist I am NOT calling black women "ugly" its crazy that people accuse me of that though, for calling out michelle obama for being male...but he IS a man...and barrack isnt even black he's indonesian and his hair isnt even real, thats why he has all those "head scars" that noone ever explained, he wears a theatrical hollywood wig to make his hair look african when he is really southeast asian, like his father, and the whole kenya AND the hawaii story are to throw people off, onions , look up this stuff youll find out I am right...\

that whole neocon mafia during and after 9/11, yopu know the ones who said "We need a new pearl harbor like event" really put us on the road to Tyranny and cemented our Fascism and Obama just increased the size of the facist government increased the fascist wars and drone strikes, it was terrible, and you all need to admit that, if any of you still believe Obama was an OK President, you are fool, you are naive...he was probably the worst president in US history, noone will ever be able to top Obama and how much he screwed us over from giving trillions to bankers "bailing out" his cia goldman sachs friends, to forcing people to buy health insurance, to continuing the racist Jews ONLY hiring policy for our Treasury Secretary and Federal reserve chairman positions along with many other powerful and influential positions...Just look at how much we have been screwed by Greenspan, Geitner, bernanke, Yellen...It's ridiculous, it's not right, its racist and it must stop! I am NOT anti-semitic! I have jewish friends and FAMILY members! But even THEy admit this has gone too far!

Just like we have radical muslims, and we have radical christians, we also have a problem a HUGE problem with radical jews! Radical Judaism! Its Radical jewish tribal supremacists, they do everything for Israel, using America as a means to an isreali ends...Every nation is seen as a "host" to parasite from...and when they get kicked out of 109 different countries they somehow try to say every single one of those 109 nations all just happened to be anti-Semitic...not because the jews systematically went around screwing people over but because everyone ELSE is just anti-semitic....bring up ANYTHING to do with Radical judaism and how its destroying the west and how it is behind the white genocide of not allowing white people to have their own homeland/culture/neighborhoods etc, while jews are allowed to have their own neighborhoods and homeland, noone goes to israel and says its not diverse enough, while Diversity in the west means huntinmg down the last white person...and hunting down the last white communities....why arent white people allowed to have a homeland? Why is it that its Ok to fucking genocide my people and get away with it?

Why arent white people considered a protected minority when we are less than 10% of the world's population? Why arenbt we protected as a minority like every other minority group? Just because whites are a majority in the US?!?! Thats not the whole world! Whites are still a MINORITY on earth and our numbers are shrinking because radical jews have taught that whites arent allowed to think about their own race, that whites must do everything for every other race except their own ....And Radical Jews will keep trying to fuck up america if it helps Israel, they take as much money from america as they can, and send it to Israel...They can't help themselves......we NEED decentralized platforms like steemit so we can freely discuss this stuff without being BANNED and CENSORED!

And ...hey you know we need to bring all the alt right people here to steemit where 1. we cant be banned or have our content taken down and

  1. we can financially support our best people and posters

  2. we can monetize 4chan posts, by taking everything popular on 4chan and reposting it here on steemit!


    Oops how did this get in here?

No more shutting us down!

AGAIN I am NOT anti-semitic and i do NOT hate jews! I am ONLY talking about our problem with Israeli rahm emanuel duel citizenship types who only work to serve Israel! Even Israeli's know that israel lobby in America is WAAAAY to influential for such a TINY nation! How can such a TINY nation have SUCH massive influence over the United States if Jewish Zionists didnt already have tons of power and influence and money in America? And why DID they get kicked out of 1009 nations? What's going on here? And why do they deny that the Rothschild Family is the richest family on earth with over 400 trillion dollars in hidden assets? Seriously do they think we dont know how 48% of US billionaires are jewish? How can such a tiny percent have so much wealth? How does 2% end up with 90% of the wealth?
How much of the 1 is Jewish? "48 Percent Of U.S. Billionaires Are Jewish. Jewish Americans are the most powerful and influential ethnic group in America. Jewish Americans make up 2 percent of the U.S. population yet comprise 40 percent of U.S. billionaires. 18% of jewish households have a net worth of $1 million or more.Jul 29, 2013"

Anyway I just had to discuss this, because ill get BANNED everywhere else! And if you think I am racist or sexist or homphobic or transphobic or anti semitic, you are just ignorant!

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If Steemit creates channels The_Donald would be GLORIOUS here!!!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yes if we just start posting things with the first tag being thedonald it will make #TheDonald simply happen as a category , just keep posting stuff with the first tag as thedonald (no caps, remember?) and i will too

LOL here are the 6 posts on steemits version of #altright
and we Do have a #TheDonald here it is and only 2 posts here! Start populating it guys!

and noone has posted under the_donald with an underscore, i think we dont need it we should stick to the one people have been using thedonald and lets start stealing popular storiues from reddits thedonald but crediting the redditor who posted it and the top comments! Woohoo pirating reddit is FUN! Its like we are getting back some of the money reddit made off us for so many years TEN YEARS for me i was on reddit and they NEVER paid me! and they make so much money! at least youtube pays its creators! shit! seriously thank GOD for steemit we can do and say whatever we wanta nd rub it in reddits face and they cant do shit!

Blockchain mothafuckahs!

the fight is just getting started

Thank you for the support! Pepe's unite!

I was seriously afraid of posting this, thinking everyone would de-upvote my posts and id loose all my steem, then i realized wait, that cant happen, noone can take away my steem! and also I can just power up with all of it and be a millionaire in two years right?

hell no we have to be bold in here its time to recruit and theres prolly more of us then we think and we must support eachothers posts make sure to follow back and upvote everything

followed both you & @ackza, please follow back!

thank you now get to shitposting
praise kek

with ur help were about to make steemit great

they wanted a fight there about to get one

Did you know know there's people saying both Melania and Trump are trans? I admit there's some funny pictures of Michelle and I actually know a trans woman who looks very much like her. But...being trans I have an eye for these things and I don't really think she is. I grew up in a country that is predominantly black and this is common for some blacks.

I wish! Maybe things would be a little better if these people only had suffered a little more through their lives to be able to empathize.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

FIrst off im sorry if my posts seeme radic, I have been subject to so much censorship that now I am like unloading all of the things I remember were deleted from reddit, facebook, twitter, qora, etc and I am so happy t9o finally be able to have a place to post everything that had been normally going down the memory hole! Like reddit and its digital ghetto fo the conservatives in thedonald they ahve NOWHERE else to go on reddit and so will all be coming to steemit, btr enjoy a majority asone of the biggest reddits now...all because reddit CONSOLIODATED them all inot a digital ghetto! IIts not cool to use digitla facism to marginilize left or right wing groups! LGBT people are blocked in places like the middle east and are unable to freely post online becaus etheir posts are tracked and gestapo forces knock on their door and arrest them over internet social media posts and its terrible! Steemit needs ENCRYPTION to PROTECT LGBT people lets say, in IRAN or SAUDI ARABIA who want to POST FREELY online but want to remain ANONYMOUS! is there any tool to help people come out as lgbt ONLINE but IN A MUSLIM COUNTRY SAFELY ANONYMOUSLY OVER STEEMIT to Monetize it?!?!

See i want to help everyone using this technology! I in no way try to offend any trans , michelels obamas trans identity has nothing ot do with the trans community, its just her lying ot us and being deceptive abouyt who she really is...and i also see many trans people because I live very close to hillcrest in san diego which is a massive lgbt community where a lot more lgbt people live than the usual small 1-4% in most parts of the country, i sencerlry think its ok if michelle obvama is transgender which i believe and know she is, its easy to see, and not everyone would acceot it, the left would, muslims around teh world wouldnt for example, and many already know, its common knowledge now...its just a joke by the intelligence agencies and its not cool that they did that to further disgrace our country..i know people wannna take down the biggest baddest country which is america but we are just another country and deserve some transparency with our leadership like we deserve to know who they really are


This is a program called sparkd anbonymous bit-torrent powered anonymous video sharing and streaming to empower LGBT people in muslim countries who cannot post videos openly...but this combined with some PGP encryption can allow for these kids and opressed muslim women to speak out using their devices and internet connected computers etc

Good work, goy!