I am terribly sorry to say, but the Alt-Right is done. It is a dead movement. From an organizational standpoint, it makes sense, we outlive our purpose (Elect Trump) and moved onto petty infighting. I hate the infighting, I’m able to say who participated in it and that while it was fun to document, it doesn’t advance our cause. I realize that the left-wings have some level of infighting, but nowhere near as much as we ever had now. To some extent, my solution would be organization, excommunication of less intellectual elements from our circles, and avoiding street action altogether, at least until we’re able to field a good organization and aesthetics at street level, which we weren’t able to do at Charlottesville or anywhere else.
The first, most important thing to do, in my view, would be to emulate the Jewry’s methods. International Socialism is a model we should emulate, we cannot win if we stay as unorganized as we have proven to be in the past. We will need clear structure, clear leadership, clear goals. If we can organize first and foremost within a structure, a cabal of our own, then we can get something done, albeit not enough. We will need to get people who can keep their power levels under control to run for congress and other parts, avoid midlife crisis imbeciles like Nehlen or Cantwell. People who mean trouble ought to be excommunicated before they can field any support.
Conveniently, however, I have remarked that the Nehlen<->Cantwell fandom is entirely political infiltration. Don’t believe me? Go read some of their fans absolutely modeled drivel, and come back tell me I’m wrong afterward. The Jews won by infiltrating us, we will need to prevent any future infiltration, or at least slow it down by a few generations down the line. Hence organization. I have really no other solution to propose.
As to how this organization could start off, my view is that a simple GPG encrypted mailing list to discuss further plans should be made. Legal offices ought to be made, and after a few years, we should be able to establish properly in our naturally jewy purposes. Obviously, you will see controlled opposition scream that this is kike-style action, well of course it is. If we’re not able to act like them then we’re not able to fight them, and the way kikes work is by subverting everything. They are natural schemers.
I will stay out of political movements until I see proper structure in place, I am not the man to establish it. If you think you will keep your power levels under control, do so. It is the man for the job that we should be hunting now, we should find proper leadership and stop chasing ideals.
Leadership that is neither Andrew Anglin, Paul Nehlen, Trump, Ricky Vaughn, that scheming kike Weev, or others. We need an outsider. If we can’t find leadership, we must groom one. But leadership is essential, and without leadership we will keep getting kiked every steps of the way.
We need to value our secrecy a lot more, if we keep getting outsiders like Cantwell, people who have NOTHING to do with our political movement other than jumping on the bandwagon for fucking viewership, saying that “No movement have been built on anonymity”, then we have achieved nothing. Our anonymity is our main weapon, if we lose it we lose everything. It is wholly unacceptable to see outsiders pretend to be part of our movement, and be accepted for false pretenses. I want no more Cantwell, I want no more Nehlen, and I want no more drama. If I see any of those again, I feel we are getting absolutely nowhere. It has become high school clique-level drama and that is why we are failing.
If we are unable to set aside our differences, which I feel we aren’t, seeing how most of the alt-right has been acting like a bunch of teenagers during the last few months, then the only solution is inevitable excommunication of belligerent parties. I want no more schemes from Weev and Ricky Vaughn, nor do I want to see Cantwell’s ignorance. The Dissident Right cannot survive with an E-celeb cult of personality, no movement survive cults of personalities.
We need to centralize leadership, we must avoid repeating WN1.0 mistakes all over again. And if we repeat them, time is ripe for restructuring the battlefield to our advantage, restarting everything from the start is better than losing every battles and coming out demoralized. There is no better weapon than a good morale, if we keep getting kiked we lose this morale and as such the war as a whole. We must take our differences aside and go forward.
Nazi aesthetics, no Nazi aesthetics, it doesn’t matter. Our message will get to normies from the teenagers that we convert from our shitposting ventures. We need the intellectual youth, the older generations do not matter. Either we play a long term strategy or we keep losing, and the mainstreaming of the alt-right has proven to be an horrible failure. We will need to try our luck again, but with the youths, and to these youths we must provide an economic net for coming out.
We must bet on the shock of generations a lot more. A shock of generations will give us a lot more momentum, we will become a “counterculture” of sort, in which morality and leadership is valued over pure individualism, and should we fail at that we will get nowhere. It will come to no surprise if I said that the lack of employment is the greatest fear that castrates our youths of their courage. We must provide them employment and a safety net, a nongovernmental one. We must get /ourguys/ into more companies, we must infiltrate the top levels of big companies such as Coca Cola and Walmart, and we must use those companies against the Jewry. The international Jewry cannot stand against a better organized, and optimistic youth.
Those are all my recommendations. I have no idea how the future will pan out, but I hope it pans out in our favor.