The woke left is the largest racist, regressive movement in the Western world at the moment.

in alvin •  2 years ago 


The sad reality is that Alvin Bragg's upside-down and hypocritical concept of criminal justice isn't surprising or baffling to me anymore. It's consistent with the inconsistency of the woke left.

The woke left is pro-criminal. It views itself as the opposition to the "tough on crime" rhetoric associated with the right; but, because they're reactionaries who don't have a moral compass, the idea of being right on crime as opposed to soft on crime baffles them.

Only, they're only soft on crime for certain, protected groups.

The mind of the woke leftist finds no hypocrisy in a DA who campaigned on ending cash bail who turns around and sets the bail of an innocent citizen at half a million dollars on a whim. The woke left sees nothing wrong with the fact that a 35 year-old man who had been arrested 27 times, mostly for violent crimes, was out on the streets while a clearly innocent man is facing life in prison because the thug checks fewer privilege boxes in their minds. It apparently doesn't matter that the DA, who said that he wouldn't seek prison sentences of over twenty years for any crime (which is absurd) is seeking more than twenty years for Jose Alba.

You have to be blind to not see the pattern.

These are the people who apologize for and even praise people who behave violently. I've yet to find a woke leftist willing to condemn the man who pepper sprayed a girl who was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. The woke left gets mealy mouthed about the Charlie Hebdo shooting. The woke left won't condemn the mob assault on Andy Ngo for simply being present at a protest.

The woke left insists on police abolition and reforming prosecutorial conduct and prisons to be less harsh - for their ilk.

If you're not in their ilk, they want you in prison for the rest of your life. If you disagree with them, they want the cops that the allegedly want to abolish to beat the shit out of you before they lock you up. If you don't check more oppression boxes than your attacker, they think you lose the right to self-defense.

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