My daughter

in amayah2010 •  7 years ago 

My daughter you are so precious... You light up my world... Now that you are gone I think about you everyday.. there's not a day that goes by without you in my heart... They had no right taking you from me... See this is our story back in 2014 she was taken from me by CPS for no reason other than she had an accident while playing in our living room.. she bit through her bottom lip and the ER called CPS because I do not look mentally stable... Of course I was in shock I don't know a parent that wouldn't have been... The next day they came to my house knocked on the door and I let them in... This woman began observing and made some bogus story and they took my daughter the following day after... A week passed and I had a visitation and as I was walking out telling my daughter we were going home.. they arrest me and put me in jail but the worst part is they took me to Nisqually jail out in the middle of nowhere... When I was released it was dark and they wouldn't let me use the phone for a ride home... So I ended up walking out of there and I got lost walking instead of going straight I followed old highway 99 and walked to Dupont exit and then walking some on the highway... A state trooper finally picked me up and took me as far as Nisqually middle school only I had to walk another mile home... I didn't know where I was going and I was lost for 8 miles I walked... 8 miles walking and being arrested for telling my daughter she was coming home to me... That was 3 yrs ago and I never got her back from CPS... She went straight to adoption... She's with a good family that wants nothing to do with me... I got approved for 1 visit only a yr and now my life feels empty... It was terrifying what I had to endure because my daughter was adorable and at an adoptable age... CPS tears families apart and they don't even need a good enough reason... Well this is all for now stay tuned because I endured 3 yrs of trauma from put court system... Thank you for reading...

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Oh my goodness. My heart breaks for you

Thank you...