Jesus heals a boy: Everyone was amazed to see God's wonderful power. Everyone was amazed at all the things that Jesus was doing. Luke 9:43

in amazed •  10 months ago 

The Gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus, after announcing God's plan, that is, the Beatitudes, in the Sermon on the Mount, began to perform signs and miracles to make the common and simple people understand the arrival of the Kingdom of God, the empire or dominion of the divine perfections ("Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" Matthew 5:48).
And many wondered who this remarkable person was, but Jesus did not openly tell them who he was, but instead referred to himself as "son of man", a play on words to imply that he was the personification of the perfections of God.
And Jesus as "son of man" among many miracles, as recounted in the gospel of Luke, healed a boy possessed by an impure spirit to demonstrate that he had power over all supernatural forces, the Lord personified that mercy (compassion, gentleness, kindness) of God that had to be poured out on the oppressed and the hopeless, as in the case of this child, because as Jesus taught with wisdom: "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful" Luke 6:36.
And the gospel of Luke relates that Jesus, after his transfiguration, probably on Mount Tabor, after descending from the mountain, met the Father of this child, who asked the Lord to perform the miracle of healing him because his disciples had not been able to.
The gospel describes with these words the miracle performed by Jesus, despite being disappointed by the lack of faith of his disciples:
"Jesus answered, "You unbelieving and corrupt generation! How long must I be with you and put up with you? Bring your son here!´
While he was coming to Jesus the demon knocked the boy to the ground and threw him into convulsions.
Jesus ordered the evil spirit to leave. He cured the boy and gave him back to his father.
Everyone was amazed to see God's wonderful power. Everyone was amazed at all the things that Jesus was doing" Luke 9:41-43.
Jesus heals a boy. Everyone was amazed to see God's wonderful power. Everyone was amazed at all the things that Jesus was doing. Luke 9,43.jpg
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