Some of the secrets of airport you should be aware!!

in amazingfacts •  6 years ago  (edited)

There are some secrets which we do not know about our daily life...Some of the secrets today are from a familiar place we often visit.An airport.It seems to be a posh place to enter and an area of classy people who have enough money to travel by air.But there are some bitter secrets about the Airport.Today We will come across some of them-
Let's begin,
1)While checking our baggages and our body through a scanner for security purposes,the airport authority take ultrasound images of our naked body which we can't even imagine.But don't worry,they delete it immediately if you are not suspected.maxresdefault.jpg
2)If the airport authority suspect you for any cause,they first send their undercover agents to befriend you and she/he tries to know everything about you in course of time before approaching you officially for enquiry! So,Never Ever chatter a lot whom you don't know in the airport lobby.You can be harrassed if you behave cheeky!images (4).jpeg
3)You are stalked everywhere you go inside a airport and the movement of everyone is monitored by special hidden cameras we often fail to locate.They does this to avoid any aggressiveness or other issues that can be a problem for others.!So think before you do something which can result bad.images (5).jpeg
4)Though this is known by many but for those who does not know,your luggages after handed over to the authority is mishandled irrespective of any tags like (FRAGILE-HANDLE WITH CARE)or anything.So friends it's always good to pay for an insurance for everything which is provided by travel sites can buy an insurance for 8$ approx giving a coverage upto 15000$ including luggage,health,flight delay and many more things.images (6).jpeg
5)The food we take on board seems so classy and delicious right? Well friends let me tell you that these foods are actually prepared 16-18 hours earlier the plane take off to avoid any circumstances which can cause delay! Now think how much fit is it to consume!images (7).jpeg
6)Well at last it is a warning for you guys,please don't ever keep your phone without airplane mode on board.It can cause severe accidents and if you are caught,you can be kicked out of the plane straight to the police station with fine as a waiver!!!!! So don't forget this point next time you fly.images.png
That's all for today my friends.More interesting facts in My next post.keep following.Thank you.👍

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I flew to Colorado from NJ 2 years ago. These 2 guys around my age seemed so friendly. They acted naive and stupid. I friended them and we all got off the plane and they wanted to go grab some weed but claimed to have no idea about it. I guided them to the first shop I knew of and we smoked a blunt after getting some (legal) weed! Just as I was finishing up they asked me about shipping weed back. I got this terrible gut feeling. I knew at that moment they were under cover agents. The look in their eyes, the way they talked, how quickly they were to friend me on the plane, it became like this instant gut feeling they were thinking I was a drug smuggler. I told them to fuck off and never talked to them again!