Amazon FBA Products To Avoid Selling In 2019 REVEALED

in amazon •  6 years ago 

What is going on Winners?! Thank you so much for visiting my blog today. In this post, I'll show you the top 5 Amazon products that you MUST stay away from, absolutely stay away from in 2019. You guys, there are some really, really bad products out there that were absolutely just doing horribly in 2018 which you must stay away from in 2019. If you are new to my channel, please subscribe and please hit that bell for more videos to come. What are the top 5 products that you must stay away from? I am going to be diving into my computer to show you exactly what these 5 products are and why you need to stay away from them.

Honestly, I do Amazon product research almost everyday. I see a lot of people's products in different Facebook groups, a lot of people that I mentor, that I coach. And they always share with me their product ideas and there are some products that you just absolutely need to stay away from. Because it's either too saturated, there's too many sellers, or there's not enough demand, or there's just some really bad sh*t happening in that category or niche. And you just need to stay away from it completely. Do not do these products in 2019 because they once were hot in 2017 and the beginning of 2018. When there are a lot of sellers doing one specific product and leaves you with absolutely no room to differentiate, you must not try to sell that product.

So let's just dive right in and I am going to show you exactly what these 5 products are. Alright guys, these are the top 5 products that you should definitely not be selling in 2019. I actually added in 6 products for you guys as an extra bonus. I honestly know a lot more products that you should not be selling because I see a lot of products on a daily basis. And I know which ones are worth chasing after and which ones are not worth the time to chase after.

A lot of the students that I coach definitely do not sell these products. And if they do, I always tell them to stop selling these products. There's just a lot of things going wrong with these products. Let's talk about the taco holder, okay? This product has been blasted by another guru on YouTube before. And then, I don't know why, it seems like when someone posts about this product, it's only common sense to not sell the same product, right? And with the taco holder, there's nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to differentiate yourself.

They all look the same. I mean, sure, this design is a little different. It's kind of like a see-through kind of metal. And then this one. I mean they all look the same. There's all at a price war right now. I guess this one is a little interesting but you know what, they all have the same purpose. And that's simply just to hold your tacos. So, my cents is, for a lot of these products, for the taco holder, it's just going by packs, right? This is a pack of 5. This one is a pack of 4. And that's the only way that these guys are differentiating themselves. So this product, you need to stay away. I know a few sellers doing this product. And let me tell you, they're not having a good time. PPC is also really hard on their wallets right now because you have to run so much PPC for this product in order for it to even show up because they all look the same.

And you know, chances are, if I am a customer, I'll probably just buy this one. I mean, it's under $10 and it's Amazon's choice. Or the Best Seller, right? Well, this one looks kind of interesting but I think you get the idea. You want to stay away from this product because it looks the same. It's absolutely not interesting. Okay, product number 2. Party balloons. If you are back.... let's talk about 2017. In 2017, party balloons were the talk of the year. On Amazon, party balloons were just popping. All types of party balloons - bridal party balloons, wedding party balloons, birthday party balloons, engagement party balloons. The list goes on and on. But this market has been so, so saturated that I see people liquidating this product literally every single day.

Whether it's in a Facebook group, I am aware of some Facebook groups where they liquidate products, or just people that I coach one on one, and they always want to do some bundle with the party balloons. Do not sell the party balloons. It's just, again, if you were to look up the keywords in Helium 10, "party balloons" and anything related to party supplies, it is very, very saturated. And when a product is saturated, when the keywords are saturated, it's going to be very, very difficult for you to rank onto page 1 for any keyword. The third product to stay away from is the baby milestone blanket. Now, I know a lot of new sellers, I don't know what it is but with this product, from experience, a lot of new sellers are so into selling this product and I don't know why.

I think this product just... I mean, yes, you can create a design to look slightly different but I think with this product, even though the keywords are not saturated, there are many, way too many sellers that I know of that sells this product. And let me tell you, they're not having an easy time with this either because there's just way too much competition. There's a lot of sellers but not enough customers for this product. So even though the keywords, if you were to look it up. Even though the keywords don't look extremely saturated in Helium 10, the product itself has too many sellers. And I know this from experience. So I am warning you to stay away. Also, for this product, it's really expensive to source. I know sellers that are sourcing this for $7, $8 and then their FBA fees are like $9.

I mean, you barely have any profit. You'll be lucky if you even make a dollar for this product. Stay away from this product at all costs. The fourth product is a diaper caddy. You guys, this product was super hot again in 2017. It is no longer super hot. It's very, very similar story to the baby milestone blanket. The diaper caddy, I've probably seen this this whole year, probably 20 different diaper caddies. And even though there's a little room to differentiate in terms of design, material, this is just really, really hard. I've personally coached a few members that were selling this and my advice to them was to just slowly sell out of this product because there are way, way, way too many sellers. A lot of sellers but not enough customers. And also, the keyword volumes, they were not really that high. I mean, I think they were in the few thousands but there were only a few keywords that really made sense for this product.

And you're trying to compete against for example, this guy that has been in the game for a really long time. I am very familiar with this product. Stay away from this product. Also, this product is not cheap to source as well. Okay, another one that I am pretty on the fence about is lunch storage bags. Now, when you look on page 1 or when you do a keyword search for any of the keywords related to this product, the keywords are not bad. Sorry, the volume is not bad. But there's one thing about this product that I do not like. Even though you can put it in a different, you can offer something else with it and bundle. This is a really good product to bundle. However, also, the reviews are pretty low, right? Majority of them are under 100, which is really good. However, when I looked at keywords. Remember, Amazon is all about keywords and getting ranked for your best keywords.

If you're not ranking for your keywords, nobody is going to see your product which equals to no sales. What I am trying to say is, when I did a keyword search for the lunch storage bags, especially these guys, the reusable silicone food storage bags, it included the keyword Ziploc. Because Ziploc bags have a lunch storage bag. A Ziploc is a huge, huge, huge brand and if you were to compete with your keywords with the word Ziploc, 75% of customers are just going to buy from Ziploc because you know, Ziploc is such a big brand. You see Ziploc everywhere. So I feel with this product, you're competing against a really big brand even though your product is not the same. Yes, I know that Ziploc has the plastic sandwich bags that are not like this. These are silicone and reusable. However, back to my explanation about keywords, it's just every time you look up this product, there's Ziploc within a lot of the keywords. So the customers automatically sees Ziploc and buys from Ziploc. So if you can, please stay away from this product. Depending on what you bundle it with, it can get pretty costly as well.

The last product, I am sure you guys all already know this, it is our favourite jade roller. You guys, this product was just amazing. And I've done another YouTube videos a few months ago talking about products you should not source but I am still seeing a lot of you guys source this product and please, please stay away from the jade roller. Because this, to me, is a trend. This is something that came out in the beginning of 2018 and literally every single new seller jumped on it. And everyone is at a price war right now as you can see.

There's very little room for differentiation for this product unless you were to bundle it with something else. But, this is totally against terms of service. Off topic, you guys should not put any "customer's choice" or any of these symbols and "Cyber Monday", like this is all against terms of service. You're not supposed to use any type of texts in your main image, okay? So remember to keep that in mind. Absolutely no text. You're only supposed to have your product photo there. So something like this. These two guys, these look like new sellers to me and they're going to get into a lot of trouble when someone reports them on Amazon. So just stay away from images that look like that. But you guys, you need to stop sourcing products, anything related to rolling things on your face. I mean, I am sure this is, I mean I've never tried this product but I am sure some face products work. But, you need to stop sourcing these products because it is very, very saturated. None of my students sell any of these products. They have in the past and let me tell you, they have learnt their lesson because these products are never going to make you any money.

If anything, they're going to lose, cause you to lose a lot of money. If you guys want to learn how to properly source products and how to find better products that are not saturated using my criteria, I suggest taking up my FBA Winners Course. Or having a one on one call with me. I can promise you that these are not the products you'll come across. Product research is one of the most important, important steps throughout your Amazon FBA journey. So make sure you are choosing the right products to make you profits long term.

All right guys, if you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you have any questions for me regarding these products or about this video, please leave me a comment below. I respond to everybody. And please subscribe to my channel. And please stay tuned because I have another video on my channel that is going to teach you how to liquidate any of these products if you are selling them. Or how to liquidate that loser product that you are currently have and just want to get rid of. .

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