
in amazon •  4 years ago 

Matty is saying the former commanders live inside her, globalists love that idea because they want humans to upload their consciousness to the cloud, but they will be killing themselves. The plan is to lock your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, on election day, Tuesday, the 3rd of November of 2020, as they steal the election from Trump and as they claim Trump is trying to steal the election even as they steal it instead. They'll say it appears Trump won but that was just a red mirage. They'll say there are over 80 million mail-in ballots which they will have to count for many weeks after the election. Please copy and paste this message to others before they delete this message and ban me. Shelf fell down. Abuse.

Operation Destroy America

Fake news say Trump is asking military to steal the election from Biden but what actually happened was globalists asked military to steal the election not from Biden but from Trump.

Joy Villa is on Fire

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2020-09-25 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-25 - Friday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-25 03:13:35 Clarke.png

Screenshot at 2020-09-25 20:48:12 Jeff Bezos.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Category | Community | Directory | Timeline | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


Information You Can Gobble


You Are What You Eat

Where is the China Virus from?

07:30 PM - YouTube

@Satrio Jumeneng, The virus was in North Carolina until 2015 when it moved to Wuhan, China.


Learn English You Can Eat

Family History

We went to Howie's house for 4th of July one year. Was that his name? In the 90's. Wasn't he related to Jim Atkins?


what modern day thing do you think would kill a victorian era child? I think a single sip of 4loko would wipe them out

Is luck and risk the same thing?

Green New Deal Aint Green, Aint New, and Aint a Deal

Is online dating healthy?

01:15 AM - Hive

Online dating can be a good starting point in finding somebody you would then potentially date and court and see and talk to and meet with in person, in real life (IRL), and it is better to really bind together around a common goal, grounded on eternal principles, committed forever.

Sadly, that is a common theme build around ego like you said, online dating would be like watching a campfire via a YouTube video and then saying, "Oh, I went camping." In other words, you can meet people on the Internet but people should consider meeting each other in real life after that and date if they're serious, if they're interested in taking a risk at love. Online dating can be like navigating through a forest while blind because the world wide web has been lacking all of the five or six senses of sight, hearing, smelling, taste, touch, pain, feelings, and spiritual connection. Yeah, online dating can be like a cemetery with the possibility of becoming a zombie yourself. The Internet can sometimes be like a dream. I like to dream but I tend to prefer real life over sleeping and dreaming at night.

Connection is a heart beat for humanity. Yes, set goals in life with those you care about in real life, offline, that is a fundamental building life. Yeah, it tends to be more fake, gradually and then it begins to accelerate into delusion down off a cliff to destruction.

Why New York’s in a depression and Texas isn’t. Because masks and lockdown due to the China Covid Virus from Globalists like Bill Gates.

Obama & Trump both agree on nominating supreme justices?

08:27 PM - Twitter

Obama said what Trump said, the President nominates and do in fact deserve a hearing. Trump agrees with that. Obama agrees with what Catherine said.

Both Trump and Obama agree with what @Cat_MarqueeLV said, the same exact words, the same exact things.

Is Amy working for the people or for the Pope? Amy is a bad choice, if she is indeed choosing not to counter what the Roman Catholic church says. @Cat_MarqueeLV agrees with me but she blocked me on Twitter.

Obama said in 2016 what Trump said in 2020, the President nominates supreme justices, that is is how it works according to the constitution.

If Yoshi was not a man, would you be my main man?

When people block you, you know you OG

You know you real when ice-cream shoots out of your eyes.

What do we do as leftists are burning down the system?

Alex Jones vs Amazon Drone

My name is Jeff Bezos of Amazon, the richest trillionaire in the world, thank you for buying drones which do in fact spy on you, I'm your overlord, I will always keep you safe.

If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around, is it still oatmeal?

You remind me of Nicki Minaj, I love her.


Red Guy

12:00 AM - Alex Jones Show - Full Show - September 24, 2020

Police are beating up people without masks.

Did Princess Peach Toadstool get capture by King Bowser Koopa on purpose?

The 100

2020-09-25 - Friday - 01:44 AM - 02:31 AM - The 100 512

I won't let the Devil in this garden.

We're all out.

Out of what?

Out of everything.

Matty is saying the former commanders live inside her, globalists love that idea because they want humans to upload their consciousness to the cloud, but they will be killing themselves.

2020-09-25 - Friday - 02:31 AM - 03:14 AM - The 100 513

"It's hard to keep track who's side you're on, Clark."

Or is it Clarke?

You too.

Navy Seal football playing chick dude.

The show promotes a fallacy in the concept of peace. It's true that peace is good but that does not mean you can always live in peace with people. Sometimes, really bad people must die no matter what.

They go back into space as the big asteroid or missile impacts the last valley on earth, killing the planet for a 3rd time.

One garden, two serpents, Eden didn't stand a chance.

They sleep for 125 years in space.

Ten or so years in, it is 2166 AD.

Then it is 2184.

They have been sleeping for 28 years at that point.

2206, Jordan's mother died.

They go to a two sun planet.

2020-09-25 - Friday - 03:15 AM - 03:59 AM - The 100 601

Planet Alpha

Wait, Alpha is a earth-like moon.

"Oh my God, we're aliens."


07:30 PM - 🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Newport News, VA 9/25/20

Red Guy

07:33 PM - Alex Jones Show - Full Show - September 25, 2020

Amazon launches drones to spy on you in your own homes.

Fake news say Trump is asking military to steal the election from Biden but what actually happened was globalists asked military to steal the election not from Biden but from Trump.

The plan is to lock your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, on election day, Tuesday, the 3rd of November of 2020, as they steal the election from Trump and as they claim Trump is trying to steal the election even as they steal it instead. They'll say it appears Trump won but that was just a red mirage. They'll say there are over 80 million mail-in ballots which they will have to count for many weeks after the election. Please copy and paste this message to others before they delete this message and ban me.

Amazon drones flying around spying on you in your homes.

In 2020, Soros has been donating many hundreds of millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter, just this year alone to BLM. Bloomberg is preparing to be the next Soros.

Holly Zoller was driving the Soros U-Haul Truck which offered shields for the terrorists, rioters.

A law expert in the house here, Catherine @Cat_MarqueeLV is contradicting what Obama said in 2016.

Jack Dorsey funds terrorists in America.

Too many thousands to millions of dollars of 2020 Trump Covid Relief welfare money went to funding terrorists.

Facebook has rebranding shadow banning and now call it throttling.

Alex Jones watches the Andy Griffith show and saw how they promotes vaccines on their show even back in the 1950's, that is 70 years ago.

General Shepherd

11:40 PM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Friday - 9/25/20


General Shepherd

11:40 PM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Full Show) Friday - 9/25/20

08:00 AM - Knock on my door. The shelf above the washer and dryer fell. That means broken jars of soup broth and other things. So for the next 90 minutes, I help with moving things off the carpet in the computer room. It's raining outside. Ringing towels used to suck up the water. Moving things outside to the covered patio and BBQ area. Moving stuff into garages, the living room, dining room, kitchen, my room, all over. FInding glass in the towel. Finding paper towels in the big garage. Choosing not to talk much, to remain calm in the mist of the storm. Internet and WIFI is down right now at 09:44 PM, probably unplugged or disconnected. It can be easy to blame other people and different things and people can be at fault for sure. It can be rather complex but in a storm, that may not be the time for justice, for figuring everything out. But then again, it depends. That is why shelves should always be built stronger and should rest and rely more on structure like wood or metal or cement or something resting on gravity as opposed to hanging off screws off the wall bending towards gravity. So, I blame designers, architects, who take shortcuts and make things too cheap and flawed and too many different things. Hanging up the towels all day. Putting up the shelves. Ate a little on and off during and after breakfast. The shelf was probably up by like 2 PM. Then we were putting things up. It can be hard if you push a woman too far while they're trying to sleep, especially if they've been emotional, psychology, chemically, biologically, physically, scarred, beat up through a course of many decades. Depends on the person and in a heated battle, many sides of the coin can be wrong and right at the same time regarding different things. Not to say nobody is right or wrong. It means things are not binary outside of sex or gender. Things are complex and it depends. Things can be subtle. It can be a long story. You may turn off when you go home. Many people can struggle with being real as life does not seem real. Being authentic is hard when you try too hard to please people in certain types of jobs involving serving people especially, be it entertainment, hospitality, serving people food, customer service, real estate, clown business, telemarketers, and the list goes on, you may put on a persona be it real and or not totally real. It can be real and fake to an extent and absolutely to different levels and ways and styles. It is critical to know thyself and to which degree one is on the William Shakespeare stage. Got the Internet back in around 07:20 PM and I am back now on my throne.


07:27 PM - 3 cold potatoes. Bread stuff. Coffee.


09:30 PM - 11:40 PM

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