Indonesia Steem Ambassador - Application

in ambassadorapplication β€’Β  7 years agoΒ  (edited)

Hello, steemians. Welcome (back) to my page! Hope that everyone is happy and enriched of positive energy to share around and inspires other, ya! 😊
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Unlikely my others post in the other days, this post is aimed as a proposal to apply for the position of Indonesia Steem Ambassador. Yeah, I know that I am new to this platform, today is my 111th day and honestly, I don't feel comfortable yet for this application. But, since I am in love with steemit and willing to take part in the steem promotion to various regions, especially the central and eastern regions of Indonesia, then I decided to take this action.

My consideration is also based on this fact!
Currently Indonesia has only eight steem ambassadors, which is of course will not be enough to cover the activities of steem promotion in this huge country within 262 millions people by population (2018), and based on the info from the government of Indonesia via its, 123 millions of them are the internet users, thus, the need to increase the number of steem ambassadors especially for the steem promotion in the area of middle and eastern of Indonesia is a priority, in ensuring that the delivery of this promotion can be done equally to the whole of countryside.

Another fact that attracted my attention to apply this application is that most of the steem ambassadors (seven of the eight) are living in Aceh province, which means 7/8 of composition are centered in one province only, the rest and the one only, @mariska.lubis is living in Bandung, West Java Province. This unequal spread of course makes the promotion is unequal as well, and will require tremendous effort for this steam ambassador located outside of Aceh region in conducting the steem promotion. As Indonesia has 34 provinces, means outside of Aceh, there are 33 other provinces to be reach in delivering the steem promotion. Of course Indonesia needs more steam ambassadors.

Therefore, as I am living in Bandung, West Java, I am happy to submit this application in order to take part in the development of steemit in these regions. I believe that by working hand in hand with others steem ambassadors, especially the one who living here, we will be able to widen the coverage areas of the steem promotion.

About Me

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I am a quick learner person. Being a new comer in various sectors enriched me valuables experiences. They taught me to quickly adapt my self to the new field, even mastering my self on the knowledge so that I am able to interact well and support the ecosystem of those fields.

Basically I am a chemical engineer, but tsunami that hit Aceh in 2004 was being a turning point for me to switch my profession from a quality control engineer to be a humanitarian worker. I joined an international Medical NGO as the first start. We provided medical treatment as well as trauma healing to the victims of tsunami, and as my education background is not a doctor nor a trauma healing counselor, of course, I got a special training first before providing my services to the beneficiaries.

And as a fast learner, I am able to adapt my self in and interact well with the stakeholders, the beneficiaries and the communities as well.

Hiks, kok artikelku belum ada yang komen dan upvote_ (1) (1).png

I also learn a lots on how to build a trust in the communities, how to support them and won their trust. I believe that this knowledge is an adding value for me in the sector of communication, promoting/doing a promotion activities as well as attracting the attention of stakeholders or target members/audience.

Working from one to another international NGO with different specialties as well as moving to the UNDP (United Nation Development Programme), of course provided me adding values that enriched me valuables experiences. It trained me as well to become a flexible-responsive person, tough and being a responsible one.

This point was also the moment where I found back my hidden pieces. Writing and its skill, were those hidden pieces. Found them back is a blessed. I started blogging and share any kind of positive things here and in my other blogs since the midlle of 2009.

My consistency in blogging and writing, as well as participate in some writing contest, led me to meet some achievement such as being the winner of some contests, being the jury or one of the juries in the writing contest, and also invited to be a speaker in the area of creative writing and life motivation, an so on. Beside, by the increased of my blogs value, I also got the benefit of blogging through the job review articles and other kind of blog monetizations.

One of my achievement in blogging,
awarded as Srikandi Blogger 2013 (the queen of blogger contest),
hold by ACER Indonesia and KEB Community, 2013.

I love to join communities that fit into my passion, such as blogger communities, writers communities, IT community, natural walk community, and others. And since I am a steemian now, of course I become the member of KSI (Indonesian Steemit Community) and the KSI chapter Bandung is my home based.

And..., as I am in love with the steemit concept and its algorithm, I promote steemit to my bloggers friends, or other colleagues as well as the communities I joined in. I believe that steemit is a proper 'vehicle' for content creators, so become a steemians is the best way towards a better life and future, that is why I am seriously promoting this platform.

How do I contribute to the steem promotion?

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Nowadays, blogging and blogger is being a worthy activity and profession. Lots of people who loves writing has gone to blogging. They blog on wordpress, blogspot, or any other platform. But, since there are lots of plagiarism that happened now, including some of my articles who have been stolen and pasted onto other website/blog or portal for commercial purposes, then we got fed up with this! Plagiarism has to be stopped! But how? It is difficult!

And..., steemit become the best platform to refuse and reduce the plagiarism. I promoted this info together with other unique values and strength of steemit to my friends, personally or group. Some also in direct conversation offline, some are thru online communication. I got positive response and some of them are being steemians and started blogging on steemit.

Having them as well to be steemians of course made me happy. Since I was not able to always being in touch with them, to teach them directly how to play safe in steemit, I provide them my article regarding steemit information for the beginners. I know that there were lots of similar articles out there, but as they prefer to read my article with my writing style touch, so that I prepared the articles with love. Haha.

Here are some of the related link:

There is a big female blogger community on facebook. Called as Blogger Perempuan (Female Blogger) Network. The members of this community are come from all over region of Indonesia, some are living abroad. I am the manager of this community. We have more or less 3,980 members in the facebook group, and 5,881 fans on the fanpage. As mentioned on the name, this is a female blogger only community. Established to support the female blogger to be more equipped in the knowledge of blogging as well as being familiar in the terminologi of blogging and website management.

We often to conduct a class related on how to maintain our website, how to increase the domain authority and page authority score, how to optimize our website (SEO), and how to produce creative writing, and others related topic. The class were hold online and offline, depends on the location of the members of the participants.

As the community manager of this community, I am optimistic that I will be able to spread out the insight/knowledge of steemit to them, so that they will have a new insight about steemit platform, and I believe that they will agree that steemit is a clean and eligible platform to 'play with'. Being steemians and blogging on steemit will be the new way of blogging, and create the positive, original and unique contents beside earning the rewards as the bonus!

I also plan to share and do the steem promotion to another blogger communities as well as other kind of communities that I joined it. I believe that there are lots of content creators out there that will be benefitted by being a steemians, as far as he/she plays safe, smart and correctly in this steem blockchain technology.

As I am also a travelers, sharing the knowledge and information about steemit will be more easy. But how ever, as we are in this super modern era, doing the promotion through an online class, via text or video is also a very helpful way. There will be lots of media and way to spread up the info, the promotion.

Wow, this articles has been long enough, and I will left it here to @starkerz and @anarcotech as the judges. All the best for all.

Thank you for @mariska.lubis who always support me in knowing better steemit and help me to play safe and right in this platform. Many thanks also run to Bang @rismanrachman who also support me to keep sharing positive things on steemit, @levycore, @aiqabrago, @ihansunrise, @iqbalsweden, @dyslexicmom, all KSI member, and all Steemian. Let's do the best to have a better world and future with Steem and Steemit!

All the best!
Al, Bandung, 3 May 2018

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Go go go Kak Al.... Kamu terbaiq dan pantas...

Waaaw seleb blog sudah merambah ke steemit. Fighting Kak @alaikaabdullah full support for you! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’

Thx, Aini sayang! πŸ’žπŸ’ž

You're welcome, Kaaak.

Saya dukung 100% dirimu... Maju terus yah!

Haturnuhun pisan, Tetehku! πŸ’žπŸ’ž

Saya mendukung teh cutkak @alaikaabdullah, pokona mah πŸ‘

Hehe. Teh Cutkak, kirain teh kotak. πŸ˜€

Trimakasih untuk dukungannya, Bang! πŸ™πŸ™

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Mantaaap! Semoga terpilih yaaa :)

Makasih, Bang! 😊

Getha dukung kak @alaikaabdullah 1000% maju terus kak

Thank you so much, Getha geulis sayang! πŸ’žπŸ’ž

Masama kakaku 😍😍

Selalu mensupport kakak @allaikaabdullah,.
Keep rocking!

Makasih banyak banyak banyak, Kakakku yang penuh inspirasi! πŸ’žπŸ’ž

Thank you Al - I really enjoyed reading the application and you are right more Indonesian Ambassadors are required outside of Aceh. Mariska.Lubis has mentioned your passion and skills to me and I am super pleased to see the humanitarian work and I now really look forward to seeing your application progress. Hopefully in a few weeks - I can be updating my world map of Steem-Ambassadors!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Hello, @cryptocurrator, thank you so much for stopping by. So glad to have you here. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€

Yeah, Indonesia is a huge country with a huge of population as well. 50 % of the Indonesian citizens are the internet users, and I believe that they are moving or expanding their 'virtual property'to steemit.

8 Steem Ambassador (SA) of course will not be enough. The more numbers of SA especially for outside of Aceh will really help the steem promotions growth better.

Btw, thanks again for your kind attention and support. Looking forward to have you back here on my site.

Wishing to have an opportunities to collaborate with you and the team in the steem promotion work, too. 😊

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Ya, alaika.abdullah next steem ambassador dari Indonesia . Saya dukung alaika terpilih dan siap bekerja sama untuk promosi dan pengembangan promo steem di Indonesia. Good Luck alaika🌹

Trimakasih untuk dukungan dan semangatnya, Bang. Yuk, kita saling berkolaborasi dalam menyebarluaskan steem dan steemit ke seantero negeri, yuk!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

mantap semoga berhasil mbak. πŸ˜ƒ

Thank you untuk supportnya, Kak! πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ™

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 4 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 35 SBD worth and should receive 117 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Thank you!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Yes, go go go, Al! I supported you to join us in promoting the steem in Indonesia. I believe that your contribution will be very valuables. Can't wait to have you in the team!

Thank you for your great support, Bang Risman. :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Saya akan selalu support 100% buat Kakakku @alaikaabdullah.

Makasih banyak, adinda @tusroni. 😘

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Irma juga mendukung kakak, sukses terus kak @alaikaabdullah

Makasih banyak, Irma cantik! :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Luar biasa bisa dilanjutkan @alaikaabdullah

Trimakasih yaaa. :)

Saya dukung kak alaika 100%

Trims banget untuk dukungannya, Mba @yundriana. :)

Semngat kak @alaikaabdullah, kami dukung kakak juga ❀

Makasih dukungannya, ya, Zulfa cantik! :)

Sama2 kakk yg lebih cntik 😍

Saya dukung kak. Moga sukses

Makasih untuk dukungannya, Sitti. Haturnuhun pisan, kata orang Sunda. :)

Semoga sukses ya kk

Aamiin, makasih, Kak Rika. :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Semangat cut kak @alaikaabdullah , kami dukung😎

Trims a lots, Rahmi sayang! Untuk dukungan dan semangatnya. :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Wah keren steem ambassador. Semangat kak..

Makasih, yaa! :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Semangat Teh @alaikaabdullah.
Saya dukung. Ayo maju terus Teteh hebat :)

Haturnuhun pisan, Teh @cicisw. Ih, kangen dirimu, euy!

Hello, Thanks for such a great application and all the fantastic work you have been doing to increase awareness about the steem blockchain and its potential applications!

We at #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador have reviewed your application to become a Steem Ambassador and we are pleased to say that we would like to propose your candidacy to the community per the Application Approval Process HERE!!! :)

In order to proceed we would like to know that you are happy to follow the Steem Ambassador Responsibilities and Guidelines outlined HERE & HERE.

Please respond below with your positive response and we will proceed to propose you to the Steemit community as a Steem Ambassador!!


Hi, @steem-ambassador.

It's really a great news to know that the application has been reviewed and succeed to make you all happy with it. :) Thanks a lots!

Yes, I am happy to follow the Steem Ambassador Responsibilities and Guidelines outlined in the links above, and I am happy as well to know that you will propose my candidacy to the community. Please do, and many thanks for your great attention and support.

Best Regards,

"I second this application"