Steem Ambassador Application | @beladro

in ambassadorapplication •  6 years ago  (edited)

Jakarta DSCF0819 copy.jpgJakarta view from my apartemen. Photo and edited by @beladro


Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia with a population of 10.37 million people by the year 2017. As the capital of the country, Jakarta is heavily populated with various activities of its citizens both in economic, social, cultural, political, sports and art activities.

As the nation's capital and national economic and political center, Jakarta has always been an attraction for Indonesian citizens from various regions to pursue their luck. Starting from high skill to unskilled skill Jakarta hopes to work and can improve its economic life. Of course many have failed and many have succeeded. Those who fail and survive will become unemployed and do anything to survive in Jakarta while still waiting for luck. The successful of course will quickly become rich and the life status increases. But the main problem is the inequality that then spread into a social problem.

In Jakarta there are also many communities from various fields, both communities of professional background, social workers, politics, artists, religious to community thugs and shamans.

From the description above, Steemit can be an alternative to solve social problems caused by inequality that occurred in Jakarta. For those who have not had a good job, can take the time to steemit and start accumulating income little by little to sustain life. For those who have succeeded, can use Steemit as a place to invest. So that will indirectly provide solutions to the problem of inequality.

For Steemit itself, Jakarta is a great opportunity and a very promising market for making Steemit users more widespread, not only in Jakarta, but throughout Indonesia. Because by "mastering" Jakarta as the epicenter of Indonesia, the information about Steemit will very quickly spread to other areas in Indonesia.

Atsmosphere of Kalibata City apartemen

From my experience of Steemit and doing a promo-steem in Kalibata City Apartment area, South Jakarta, there is almost no refusal to join Steemit, the average person I told about Steemit greeted her enthusiastically and some immediately enrolled her.

The problem is that Steemit is still very new to Jakarta and the promo-steem is also a bit, the movement is very slow and to realize the potential of Steemit is very loss if there is no policy from Steemit to arrange steps and strategies "seize" Jakarta, and ironically again in the capital of the country as wide Indonesia I have not found and heard there are Steem-Ambassador here. There are millions of Jakarta residents who need Steemit today and there are so many investors in Jakarta who do not know where to invest their stacked money. Unfortunately no one has told them about Steemit...

My Story

WhatsApp Image 2018-04-10 at 23.50.51.jpeg
@dokter-purnama and me (right) in meetup Community Steemit Indonesia chapter Jakarta in "Cangkir Sembilan, April 2018*

My name is Ahmad Mauladi, my friends call me Morenk Beladro and my Steemit account is @beladro. I live in Kalibata City apartment, South Jakarta. My profession is a graphic designer who of course is very familiar with visual communication, marketing and branding activities. I also like music and art activities, so some times I've been a promoter/organizer for music concerts and art performances. And I am also a businessman who runs a coffee shop called “Cangkir Sembilan” located in Tower Herbras, apartment Kalibata City, apartment area where I live inhabited about 20,000 people who life in 18 apartment towers.

Initially I knew Steemit from my friends in Aceh who often spread the post link in Steemit to WhatsApp group that I follow. Because I often get these links, once I open it and finally register in January 2018.

Because I could not directly have an account and have to wait for the password in a few days, I finally forget about Steemit. Remember again a few weeks later when the pliers accidentally saw an email from Steemit, and it was an important email containing my password. Because of busy and not interested, and find a very long password and there is a suggestion to save well, then I save my password in the note of my mobile phone.

Until one day a few months later, came to visit my coffee shop "Cangkir Sembilan" my friends @musismail and @williyana, they introduced @apilopoly, @anggreklestari, @viviemahardika and @andrianhabibi to me. After say hello and talk a bit, that afternoon I left them for a moment for another activity. At night I returned, I saw they were still in the “Cangkir Sembilan” and I joined them, it turns out they are also waiting for me to discuss booking a place for an event they want to organize in “Cangkir Sembilan”. Then they call the event is a community meetup Steemit. That's when I started getting detailed explanations about Steemit from @musismail @apilopoly and @willyana. And right on March 24, 2018 I officially joined Steemit with the first post about a poster of announcement the first meetup of the Community Steemit Indonesia chapter Jakarta.

Poster Steemit Jakarta Rev OK.jpg
My first poster design about promo steem and I used it for my fist posting in Steemit. Click here to see my first posting

From then on I began to recognize the Steemit community mobilizers from Aceh such as @razack-pulo, @ayijufridar, @doctor-full, @mariska.lubis and others.

Since then I was addicted to Steemit, and started to see great opportunities on the platform founded by Ned Scoot and Dan Larimer. I started doing a promo steem to my friends and customers at “Cangkir Sembilan”, until finally I also founded Steemit Community of Cangkir Sembilan (KSC9) to make steemians that often gather in my coffee shop grow faster. An employee of mine @riezaldi became one of the most active member of KSC9 in Steemit. Steemian members of KSC9 which are also very fast developing are @jkfarza, @zaimrofiqi and @bennpolem.

@mariska.lubis as speker in meetup in Cangkir Sembilan with Community Steemit Indonesia chapter Jakarta, Community Steemit Cangkir Sembilan (KSC9) and Law Community of Steemit

Me and steemians Jakarta in Cangkir Sembilan

“Cangkir Sembilan” is now one of Jakarta's steemian basecamps. I see this momentum is a chance to quickly implement the strategy and programs planned so that Steemit will grow fast in Jakarta, at least around where I live with 20,000 people in Kalibata City apartemen.

The Reason I Want to Become a Steem Ambassador

From the above explanation, where every day I have an opportunity to do a promo steem to the citizens of Jakarta who visited my coffee shop, I wonder why I do not even as I submit myself as a Steem Ambassador, because by becoming a Steem Ambassador of course I have the opportunity to became more knowledgeable about Steemit and could also share my ideas to make Steemit grow fast in Jakarta.

The Future Plans as A Steem Ambassador

I live in Jakarta for more than 10 years. With my profession as a graphic designer, I am very familiar with the business, creative, social and religious communities in Jakarta. Among them are tens, hundreds to tens of thousands. I see it is possible to invite them to join Steemit if they are able to make the right strategy.

My first step is to increase my capacity as a steemian so that when I do presentations and promo steem to those communities I look pretty capable. And I think, by introducing myself to them as a Steem Ambassador, will give me a lot of confidence.

The second step, I will start making meetup occasions in my coffee shop by inviting communities out of Steemit that I know.

The third step, as a graphic designer, I can certainly use my expertise to create a promo steem in the form of visual and video graphic to be distributed to the members of the community in my network.

One of my art work about promo steem with the concept


So this is my Steem Ambassador Application and I hope my steemian friends in Jakarta, Aceh and Indonesia will support me, especially the Curators and seniors Steem Ambassadors who have been very much help me to be a productive steemian, your sincerly mr. @starkerz and @anarcotech. Thank you.

Freedom in Steemit.jpg
Designed by @beladro

Best Regards,
Kalibata City apartement, Jakarta


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mengenalnya sejak dibangku kuliah tahun 1995 di kota gudeg jogjakarta sehingga kehari ini membuat saya kuatir tak cukup tempat dan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan kisah perjalanan seorang @beladro yang begitu berliku, menukik, terjun dan terjungkal .. haha .. lebay ya .. Etsss, sekarang serius ya!

Sukses kepada mas bro @beladro atas perjuangan panjang penuh kesabaran, dan kesuksesan memang pantas menanti anda.

Saya sebagai salah seorang steemian perempuan dari aceh mendukung langkah anda untuk menjadi Steem Ambassador Indonesia. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

saya kuatir tak cukup tempat dan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan kisah perjalanan seorang @beladro yang begitu berliku, menukik, terjun dan terjungkal...

Baca kalimat ini jadi ingat lagu Umar Bakri 😀. Btw thx atas supportnya Bu dosen @ijas.jaswar 🙏

Mendukung saudara @baledro menuju steem ambasador application

Kami dari steemit Lhokseumawe akan mendukung saudara kami ini @beladro.
Dengan di sertai doa kami semoga sukses dalam menjalani misinya untuk kemajuan steemit Aceh.
Terima kasih dari saya dan selamat berjuang.

Terimakasih bro @leozulkifli 🙏

Kami dari Lhokseumawe ikut mendukung bang @beladro, sukses selalu... 👍

Terimakasih banyak saudaraku @ariab88. Salam!

Saya salah satu steemian perempuan dari aceh mendukung @beladro sebagai steem Ambassador indonesia

@beladro i had seen if you have many talent, in design, writing, photography, and have genuine insting in marketing task by your promo-steem event which had you provided.
By your blog i can see so many friend comfort with your attitude.
You are generalist. I support you became steem-ambasador ! best regard RR @gudkarma-kw

Even you are a kw gudkarma, your comment were look better than the original 😀. Thx you for support...

Siap Mendukung @beladro sebagai steem ambassador. Maju terus!

I support @beladro become steam ambassador of Indonesia, because he stays in Jakarta. Jakarta is a big city, is very strategic for steemit development for the future!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Good luck juga untuk @zirrahasri

Now a @Steem-Ambassador applicant in Jakarta and coffee shop owner and graphic designer - cool. Best of luck @beladro. @mariska.lubis spoke highly of you.

Hi @cryptocurator, thx you to support me, lets do something cool in Jakarta 😎

I support @beladro become steam ambassador of Indonesia, because he stays in Jakarta. Jakarta is a city with a population of 10 million people, is very strategic for steemit development for the future

Thx bro @jkfarza, Jakarta is very challenging, lets rock it!

Kami dari Aceh mendukung @beladro jd steem ambassador

Thx pak @saifuddin.p3md 🙏

Morenk beladro yang saya kenal adalah kawan yang punya kreativitas dan daya kreasi di atas rata rata. Bisa dibuktikan dengan menelusuri karya karya design yang dia buat.

@beladro yang saya kenal adalah sahabat yang punya keberanian dalam berfikir dan mampu bertindak. Mengadakan konser besar Iwan Fals dan Rendra dan Sawung Jabo di tahun 2007, sendirian dengan modal sangat minim adalah tindakan orang gila, namun ternyata perhitungannya cukup bisa dipertanggung jawabkan. Konser terselenggara dengan baik.

@beladro yang saya kenal adalah makhluk Tuhan yang cukup sabar.

Saya tahu persis bagai mana sejarah cangkir9 dimulai di tahun 2014 dengan mengandalkan sebuah rak kecil dan sebuah meja serta beberapa buah kursi di basement kalibata city dengan space 3 m persegi. Hanya dengan fasilitas sebuah dispenser dan satu kg bubuk kopi gayo.
Pergantian tahun tidak membuat dia mengganti jenis dagangannya. Sabar dan istiqamah di kopi dan kopi. Dan hari ini kesabarannya sudah membuahkan hasil

@beladro yang saya kenal punya kemampuan organisatoris yang cukup mapan, sudah aktif terlibat dan menjadi pengurus bahkan ketua beberapa organisasi sejak masih di kampus.

@beladro yang saya kenal adalah kawan yang tidak pernah berhenti belajar dan terus membaca. Sepertinya membeli buku lebih banyak menyita uangnya dari pada membeli barang konsumsi lain.

Saya dukung @beladro sebagai steem-ambassador indonesia

Saya ulagi, saya dukung @beladro !

Yeuk, kok ente tiba-tiba menjadi makhluk Tuhan paling jujur? Hahaha :D. Terimakasih banyak atas apresiasi yang membuatku terbang lagi ke langit setelah baru saja mendarat dari alam mimpi. Sungguh aku akan memeluk dan menciummu bila kau adalah seorang perempuan yang mirip Dian Sastro :D

Alu tambah lagi? itu belum separuh. Udah tertekan tombol post. Kalau penuh nanti dituduh numpang postingan di komen., btw, success ya!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Jangan, yeuk. Cukup...cukup. Thx yu perimas :)

Selain kawan @apayek morenk @beladro kawanku juga, kawan semua Steemian

Yes exactly right! Dan kita beriga adalah sahabat lamanya mukidi! 😂😂😂😂😂

Saya mendukung Tuan Morenk @beladro sebagai Steem Ambassador Indonesia.

Terimakasih Tuan @tinmiswary atas supportnya, sukses selalu untuk Tuan dan kawan-kawan di Bireuen juga. Tabek!

Morenk Beladro I knew Him for a long time ago since He open Morenk Opppsition Art, the one of graphic designer Who design Book Cover For LKIS Yogyakarta.

@beladro is mean Self-Defense and become steemit defense as Ambassador in Jakarta, I hope that done as well.

Self-Defense? Hehehe... Btw thank you so much bro @dedycado, I love you full!

Mendukung sepenuhnya, bro @beladro...
Semoga aja Steemit Jakarta semakin baik ke depannya... 😀☕

Salam kreatif...❤

Sip... kita bikin Jakarta lebih berwarna :)

Saya dari aceh mendukung @beladro menjadi steem ambasador, dukungan serta doa dari kami semoga berjaya

Morenk Beladro I knew Him for a long time ago since He open Morenk Opppsition Art, the one of graphic designer Who design Book Cover For LKIS Yogyakarta.

He is very consitent in Graphic Art, good manager and also good friend.

@beladro is mean Self-Defense and become steemit defense as Ambassador in Jakarta, I hope that done as well.

Sukses bang Morenk...1000% dukungan dari Lhokseumawe👍👍👍👍👍

Terimakasih banyak ya, dukungan 1000% pasti akan mempengaruhi para juri :)

Bukan cuma @ijas.jaswar saja dr aceh yg turut mendukung. Kami juga ikut mendukung @beladro. Succes 4 u...

Saya sebagai salah satu putri steemian aceh mendukung @beladro menjadi Steem ambassador indonesia. Tetap berjuang dengan semangat 💪💪

Sukses brother @baladro... Terus berkarya kami steemian dari aceh mendukung anda sebagai ambassador steemit Jakarta...

Saya mendukung anda sodara @beladro sebagai Steem Ambassador Indonesia, semoga kesuksesan menanti anda.
Salam kenal dari saya Srikandi Bireuen 🙏

Dukungan dari saya buat saudara @beladro Untuk menjadi steem ambasador, dari bireuen

Luar biasa dan pantas.

Siap bro @muhajir.juli. Makasih dukungannya 🙏

Saya steemian perempuan dari aceh mendukung 100% @beladro sebagai Steem Ambassador Indonesia."semoga sukses"

Siap mendukung @beladro untuk berdirinya steem ambassador/aplikasi duta steem

Saya sebagai stemian perempuan dr Aceh mendukung @beladro untuk menjadi steem ambassador indonesia, jadilah yg terbaik,slm sukses...

Sangat dibutuhkan orang yang memiliki kekuatan relasi segala setiap kalangan dan memiliki banyak teman dari segala penjuru negri Indonesia seperti @beladro utk menjadi ambassador Indonesia, agar steemit Indonesia lebih pesat menyebar luas ke seluruh indonesia.
Steemit Indonesia membutuhkan orang seperti @beladro.
Dimana Indonesia yang sangat luas dan dua ratusan juta penduduk negri ini, bukan hal yang mudah untuk menembus steemit harus menguasai teknologi medsos ini.
Jakarta sebagai sentral ibukota Indonesia, saya sangat mengharapkan @beladro menjadi steemit ambassador Indonesia.
Ayooo semangat steemit Indonesia

Postigan yang luar biasa


Menurot Tuwanku, @beladro ka cucok jeut keu Steem Ambassador. Yang peugah hana cucok, keuno jak menghadap Tuwanku.

Lon sebenar jih golom pantas tuwanku, sebab secara level, lon mantong golom trok meu-50. Tapi lon rasa harus na nyang beurani jeut ke Steem Ambassador untuk memperluas jaringan Steemit di Jakarta dan Indonesia. Makin luas Steemit di nusantara, maka Aceh sebagai avant garde steemian Indonesia akan makin disegani. Tabek!

Duta steemit bukan butuh peringkat level reputasi tapi membutuhkan potensi relasi yang bernyali untuk bersosialisi mengembangkan steemit di Indonesia, @beladro cocok banget jadi steem ambassador, orangnya kreatif dan inovatif

In Jakarta, there should be @steem-ambassador, and I support @beladro be part of @steem-ambassador given its action so far in Jakarta and promote the Steem.

Thank you for your support mr. Ambassador. I hope together we can make Jakarta will be a steemians city.