The coming imposed poverty and austerity will cause more than a few to look for answers outside Western establishment media.

in america •  3 years ago 


From here in the US, I mark the beginning of events that began the slide to today’s global circumstances as 1971 when they took the dollar off the gold standard. That opened the door for the Federal Reserve to begin printing (counterfeit) fiat currency which came in handy at a later date. Undoubtedly it was prior mismanagement and likely malfeasance behind the gold standard being discarded. It probably began in the 1960’s that Japan started competing in Western markets, manufacturing home electronics and autos. But more significant was during the seventies when the US and likely other Western countries, started shipping factories, jobs and tax revenues to low wage countries after the Arab oil embargo that was a response to the West continuously siding with the Zionist usurpers in Palestine after the 1973 Yom Kippur war.

2001 became a demarcation line, before and after the 9-11 attacks. The Western establishment had preplanned the aftermath response to 9-11, which included the (un)Patriot Act that diminished our rights in the US and 9-11 was also the excuse to launch the preplanned and fake War on Terrorism, WOT which in large part was designed to advance global Zionism’s regional strategy for Israel that included regime change in seven Mideast countries over what was supposed to be a five year time span. Iran, Syria and I believe Lebanon were all slated for regime change in the WOT but are still standing today. The censorship and lies “justifying” the 2003 invasion of Iraq were very much preplanned psychological operations that started the day of the 9-11 attacks and falsely blaming Iraq. That was followed by anthrax being mailed to certain US officials which was later traced to a US military strain. They actually had people in the US using Duct tape to “seal” their doors and windows as though that would keep nuclear radiation out of peoples homes in the event that Saddam Hussein might attack us with weapons he didn’t have. There are probably hundreds of millions, if not a billion or more around the planet that understand the official version of the 9-11 attacks themselves, would have required the laws of physics be suspended that day. Without discussing who all was behind it, the preplanned aftermath, and the attacks themselves were all psychological operations and possibly all parts of the same bigger plan.

With the War on Terrorism, printing fiat currency meant war crime profiteering for the globalists heavily invested in taxpayer funded weapons industries - all being added to the national debt where the US was concerned. So the globalists began draining Trillion$ in wealth out of the US in earnest with the event of 9-11.

Then there was Wall Streets bundled mortgage pyramid scheme collapse in 2007 & 08 after they had sold it to individuals, city, state and provincial, as well as countries all around the world. Many of the victims never received any compensation for the fraud, but the financial collapse became the excuse to hand trillion$ in fiat currency to investment banks and multinational corporations corporations that were “too big to fail” without causing further damage to the economic system as the story was told. 😂😜🤮 It was all too convenient and amounted to another psy-op rip-off for the world’s public while not one of the many geniuses behind the pyramid scheme was ever prosecuted. In fact they and many others in their service all received huge bonuses with the fiat currency handed to the banks.

Then came the preplanned Covid pandemic modelled after previous hyped up medical emergencies including in 2009 when it might have been the bird flu. With those 2009 events the pharmaceutical/medical industry changed the definition of pandemic without which Covid-19 would not have qualified. So it was trillion$ more handed to banks and corporations as a result of damage to the economy from Covid-19 policies, not the disease itself. Covid policies ultimately facilitated the biggest bottom up wealth transfer in human history that may be outdone by WWIII if they can keep the Ukraine conflict going.

The Ukraine conflict will not benefit one country in the West. Sanctioning Russia amounts to sanctioning the entire world. So if they care about innocent life, why did the Western establishment manufacture and exacerbate the Ukraine conflict when it will impoverish hundreds of millions, possibly a billion or more, in the West and beyond, possibly causing more premature deaths than the total population in Ukraine?

Since 9-11 US national debt has gone from around six Trillion$ to over thirty Trillion$ and climbing as we write. The globalist elites and their US puppets in the West were literally extracting wealth out of the US and other Western countries before it was even made. They simply go about their business printing fiat currency and leaving the debts for future generations.

Anyone that believes the globalists didn’t know their policies would lead to eventual collapse, is uninformed and or naive imo. The eventual collapse was evident when they started shipping factories, jobs and tax revenues to low wage countries in the 1970’s.

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