in america •  7 years ago  (edited)

The U. S. Criminal Racket

This entire United States criminal enterprise, a CRIMINAL RACKET in toto, represents itself fraudulently as a "government." Each of the many thoroughly complicit individuals compartmentalized within it's innumerable taxpayer-funded "departments" and "agencies" are all actively engaged in an elaborate multi-level criminal conspiracy and all are either wittingly or unwittingly engaged in egregious criminal collusion with a handful of privately-owned (Queen of England, Royals of Europe, Rothschilds, VATICAN) international bank(s), privately-owned (same parties) international corporations and in direct collusion with the highly-organized and -structured criminal institution named the UNITED NATIONS, all under the dictates of the Vatican, namely the so-called Black Pope of Vatican City in Rome Italy.

This criminal racket named the United States of America along with it's many wholly tax-payer-funded departments and agencies' "officials," both elected and/or appointed, have actively, deliberately and ILLEGALLY been plotting against the taxpaying citizens who fund them; And to thoroughly undermine and destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America, (INCORPORATED).

These collaborative criminal and subversive entities have been actively engaged in all imaginable High Crimes including mass murder, assassinations; intensive and generational ongoing mass brainwashing programs and mass mind control programming; All forms and manners of Theft, Fraud, Schemes to Defraud; High Treason, Treachery, Subversion; Embezzlement, Profiteering, Larceny; War Crimes; Human Slavery; Blackmail, Extortion, Bribery; Human Trafficking, Rape, Child Sex Slavery, Child Pornography, Child Trafficking; Adult and Child kidnapping, abduction and Murder for Ritual purposes; Human Organ harvesting and trafficking; Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering; Domestic and International Terrorism; Genocide. Multiple CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

The craven criminals that are behinds this criminal conspiracy have long been deliberately and totally deceiving, by any and all means necessary, the taxpaying citizens as evidenced in the insidious indoctrination in ALL public schooling including ALL universities, has ushered in the damnable MARXIST-COMMUNIST doctrine. One means, by the employ of heavy repetition of so-called buzz words and other social engineering tactics, such as using utterly spurious terms such as "Socialism," "Sustainability," "SMART," "Social Justice" etc. etc. to disguise the REAL agenda which is a TOTALITARIAN COMMUNIST GLOBAL DICTATORSHIP.

This United States criminal rackets' intensely insidious use of constant and incessant propaganda tools, such as privately-owned media mouthpieces, compliant and complicit agency spokespersons and other willing paid-for shills, quislings and covert agents do actively and constantly spread outright LIES, deliberate and very specific misinformation and disinformation, and all manners of deception through it's many highly organized and -directed propaganda outlets mainly known as the "mainstream media" which is operated by the C.I.A., which in turn are Knights of Malta/Jesuit agents of the Vatican.

This U. S. criminal enterprise has long been engaged in all manners of criminal activities since it's inception and founding, mainly by Luciferian Freemasons and others cloaked in secrecy, many being agents of the Jesuit Order under the Vatican.

Each and every one of these insidious, devious and long-term programs have centuries ago been devised and slowly implemented with very specific and pernicious goals to thoroughly brainwash the entire population and to control the very thoughts of the United States citizenry by the intensive long-term mind-control programming concocted at various agencies such as Tavistock Institute, the Franklin School, Rand, Aspen and others in order to distract the citizenry away from any awareness of this treachery and to concurrently conceal the innumerable, ongoing and abhorrent crimes of this United States Corporation.

The United States' Central Intelligence Agency, the C.I.A., a Jesuit order under Rome, is just one of countless heavily bureaucratic and thoroughly criminal agencies, and is and always has been engaged in multiple egregiously criminal operations, and is entirely funded by the taxpayers of the United States CORPORATION, with very few of the citizens' awareness.

The C.I.A. is a government-sponsored Global Terrorist Organization and global criminal network that has been actively engaged in constant crimes including treason, treachery, subversion, collusion; fraud, theft, extortion, bribery, blackmail, racketeering; drug trafficking, money laundering; human trafficking, child prostitution, pornography and child trafficking; war crimes; multiple foreign and domestic coups d'etat, multiple domestic and foreign assassinations, and countless myriad other inhuman activities; all of which are conducted in secrecy and without the awareness or the consent of the taxpaying citizens of the United States of America.

This entire criminal enterprise, USA, INC., along with each of it's international agents and cohorts, MUST BE STOPPED!!!

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