What Is Conservatism Really? An Introduction to the Conservateur's Blog

in america •  4 years ago  (edited)



I'm the Conservateur, and this blog is one more place I'd like to share my insights with the world. I hope this can be a blessing and benefit to you, as well as a creative and useful outlet for me. First, let me cover some introductory material beginning with my name: the Conservateur.

My name signifies my primary objective. While the term "conservateur" is not an English word (it's French), it is a helpful title that accurately describes my intentions. "Conservateur" is a noun showing agency toward an action. In this case, I want to be the agent in effectively persuading others of a conservative worldview. I wish to see a movement in American society toward tried-and-true ways of life, and I eagerly desire to play a role in that.

This brings me to an important question. What is conservatism? If we are to move toward a conservative worldview, it follows that we need to have a well-defined understanding of what conservatism is. Simply put, conservatism is a philosophy that implements proven methods for living. In other words, it seeks to conserve things that are good and that work.

Oftentimes progressives (pseudo-liberals, leftists, Marxists, etc.), accuse conservatives of being stuck in the past and being unwilling to advance society towards a better world. Built within this criticism is a little truth mixed with major error.

I reject the premise that the changes progressives wish to make are truly advancememts or that they will lead to a better world. What they get right is that conservatives are cautious (i.e., prudent) about change. The reason for this caution comes from an understanding that much of the American way has proven successful, prosperous, and virtuous. Why would we want to change the good? Instead, conservatives wish to genuinely improve the areas that still lack through a cautious and tested approach. By contrast, progressives seek to revert to approaches that have failed everywhere they've been tried, leaving millions upon millions dead, starving, and tormented. To add to this, progressives want to accomplish these changes as quickly and chaotically as possible. Conservatives are quite justified in opposing the progressive agenda no matter how many strawman attacks accuse us of being outdated, uncompassionate, or bigoted. The conservative approach to life is vastly superior to progressivism (and I'd argue any alternatives) in every way.

Conservatism has found two fundamental ideas that undergird everything we believe, and these have been time tested and proven to bring the best way of life possible. These two ideas are freedom and virtue. Each has an indissoluble role to play in society, and without either, man cannot prosper.

In the days ahead, we will discuss freedom and virtue; the nature, structure, and function of mankind; the differences between American and other brands of conservatism; as well as many more related topics. I truly believe that life will not only be improved in society based upon these concepts, but that your own life will individually benefit.

Until then, may God bless you, your family, and our nation.

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