Best Saturday night in Stockholm Sweden

in american •  9 years ago  (edited)

Did some burnouts before the actioncam fell of the car so trying to recover the SD-card

These twenty words needs to be the best words you can ever put together, they make people upvote and read!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eleifend lacus at lorem vestibulum, eget vestibulum lectus iaculis. Quisque elementum sapien vel velit semper, quis sollicitudin justo sagittis. Suspendisse ultrices ornare nunc ac mattis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam dictum turpis ut ligula mattis ultrices ac id nisl. Nunc tempor sem magna, id aliquet ligula elementum ut. Donec vitae consequat lectus, ut fermentum sapien.

In vel blandit nulla. Duis sit amet pulvinar sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In vitae metus at nisi bibendum pharetra vel vitae ipsum. Curabitur maximus nunc eu elit facilisis rutrum. Integer consequat augue non facilisis iaculis. Curabitur quis enim non ipsum lobortis lacinia. Nam venenatis, mauris venenatis lacinia sollicitudin, velit tellus molestie mi, ac imperdiet massa mauris vel neque. Sed quis lacus vitae ex bibendum tristique non mattis magna. In ac nisi lacinia, elementum libero fringilla, egestas lorem. Sed dapibus leo nec turpis aliquet, ut ultricies erat scelerisque. Suspendisse at sem porta, dapibus neque ac, elementum odio. Integer sagittis porta magna vitae aliquam. Vivamus nec arcu ac mi mattis iaculis. In sit amet suscipit arcu.

@fyrstikken @stakepool @officialfuzzy @fuzzyvest

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I really enjoyed this post like you

dont forget to approve my witness

Looks like ya had some fun!

The best videos are lost because the gopro fell off the car :D

Haha! We're those the people you said gave you the 'bird?' :P

no i have that on cellphone becauce i broke my camera when it fell of the car

Haha nicely done man! Looks like Swedes like to have some fun on the streets! :D

We do this every weekend

Nice; what's with the Latin? :-)


Its illuminati