Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 99

in americanninjawarrior •  7 years ago 


Day 100 is getting real close!

Unfortunately Day 99 was a bit of a miss since I spent way too much time adulting.


Instead of doing one trillion pull ups, I had to like, you know, mow the lawn... like a grown up, or like a kid earning pocket money. I think I've mentioned before that we have a huge property now... it's 5 acres of foresty goodness, but we've only ever lived in apartments and townhouses before, so it's been decades since I've had to cut a grass.


In the 10 months we've been here, we honestly haven't had to do much maintenance at all... we had a party last November and got some dudes in to clean up and mow and stuff... so I was looking to get some similar dudes in, but they all wanted to come in and do quotes and convince us to set up a regular thing... so I pretty much just cracked it and bought a manly lawnmower of manliness.

Which then took me an hour to assemble... instructions these days are so bad. I had to choose between the way too detailed safety information, or the way too brief no-word pictorial instructions which are made for all the different models. So weird.


Annnnyyyyyyyway, to cut a boring story short... once I put the thing together using 50% guessing and 50% confusion, and then mowed all the grasses, I was completely and utterly beat. Butttt... I did some pull ups anway because no adulting is going to beat this little ninja.

Got the KMs up for the day though... nice job yardwork.

At lunchtime I smashed out my Titan Trial exercises again... I did the skipping portion in the sunshine, it was so good!
After all my lawn-care I did 3 sets of my Tendonitis Strengthening exercises instead of my usual 5 sets... the tendonitis was not happy and I didn't want to strain it for Day 100.

That saying of 'Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're finished' kept me going today.... it's super true.

Titan Games Trial

  • 5 minutes jump rope
  • 5 pull ups, 5 push ups
  • 4 pull ups, 4 push ups
  • 3 pull ups, 3 push ups
  • 2 pull ups, 2 push ups
  • 1 pull up, 1 push up
  • 1 minute plank


  • Two hours of mower wrestling.

Tendonitis Strengthening Exercises

3 sets of :

  • 6 reps of slow pull ups
  • 6 reps of slow push ups
  • 6 reps of tricep dips
  • 6 reps of wrist dumb bell raises
  • 6 reps of squishy ball squishin
  • 10 reps of atomix ball jump grabs
  • 10 reps of bar grabbing
  • 40 second 90 degree holds

Lower back and glutes still don't like me... which is fine, cos I don't like them... what's with all the whinin'?

Yoga sessions (0/2 Completed)

100 Rep Challenge

  • 60 minutes of cardio = 100 reps
  • Titan Games trial = 30 reps
  • 3 x 7 sets of 6 reps of Tendonitis Strengthening exercises = 126 reps

@steemmatt's fitness challenge for Tuesday - 256 reps

UNAA Regional Qualifier - 5th May - Camp Rhino, Boise, Idaho. = 12 days.

Thanks heaps for reading... super super super appreciate it.

Steem Run Club

Might need a better heading than this...

RunClubThingy - 8.26kms



steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games

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Man, gotta say, I kinda miss mowing the lawn! I grew up in the country and my parents made me mow the lawn all the time and I didn't really care for it at the time, but now that I live in the city I think I would pretty much do it for fun!

I totally get that... it was hard because I didn't understand all the controls and it was a heavy beast... but once I found the turbo button it was pretty fun. My parents had a Flymo when I was a kid, which was electric and looked like a hovercraft, so this was really different... but man it looks so good now... and getting those straight lines was so ridiculously satisfying.

I think I need a whipper snipper now... it never ends...

Haha! Gotta love that turbo. Is this a riding mower or a push mower? One time when I was 12 I was driving a riding mower that had cruise control on it and I couldn't get the cruise control to disengage and I ran into a kid's playhouse. Not a great day!

I'm guessing that's what I call a weed whacker? I think I like your name better haha!

Maybe you should get a couple of alpacas and some chickens to mow your lawn if you got that much XD


Lol, 'to cut a boring story short'.

Great job @aussieninja.. keep it up ....

Mowing the lawn is no joke...especially if you have a lot of property.

It has been cracking 100 degrees here, and not cooling down much at night, so not only does it take a lot of effort, but you sweat buckets doing that's pretty lame too.

As soon as I take out my IV I have got to hit our lawn. If I don't keep up with it, it just doesn't get done and then the irrigation comes and makes it even longer and it is a terrible cycle and it's just easier to do it weekly.

I love the beautiful lawns we have, but man are they a pita!!!

I'm sure yours look awesome now though right? It's such a feeling of accomplishment...until you have to do it again in a couple weeks haha. Dang it!